Good Seed
Good Seed is a social innovation training and funding programme jointly developed and organized by Knowledge Transfer and Entrepreneurship Office (KTEO) and Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation (J.C.DISI) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Funded by the Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Fund, the programme aims to unleash creative potential of young people to drive social innovations for the benefits of the underprivileged, with design, technology and business as major focus.

"JC Intergenerational Play Space" Project
To leverage the “double-ageing” strategic focus of J.C.DISI, we explore how to future-proof our housing and social infrastructure to support ageing-in-place in a rapidly ageing community, and how to design to enhance social connectedness and harmony in our communities. J.C.DISI has been exploring the potentials to introduce Intergenerational (IG) Play as a design concept to reimagine public open spaces in Hong Kong.
“Furniture for Our Future” Project
Leveraging the ideas generated from the PolyU Jockey Club Operation SoInno Season 9 Symposium, J.C.DISI continues to explore implementable furniture design that can improve the use of space and study environment, health and wellbeing, and in longer term, sense of belonging, self-efficacy and upward mobility of children residing in subdivided units.