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Design thinking workshops for schools are co- curricular and interdisciplinary, encouraging students to think beyond compartmentalized knowledge (Authors, 2020) ...
Experiential education in action: Improving learning outcomes for all through design thinking
In what ways do students benefit from design thinking as a pedagogical innovation in a secondary school context? Context. This study stems from a 3-year cross- ...
Reimagining Teacher Education through Design Thinking: A Mixed-methods Analysis
The study reported in this paper examines an under-researched aspect of design thinking (DT) in teacher education. While DT has popularized for responding to ...
Research | Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation
Design thinking (DT) is a human-centric, iterative and interactive problem-solving process that captures how designers innovate and problem-solve. Such ...
PowerUp | Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation
After the "Proposal Clinic", 10 teams were selected for the next stage to participate in the "Power Up" Design Thinking Workshop The workshop aims to enhance ...
Design thinking (DT) is a human-centric, iterative and interactive problem-solving process that captures how designers innovate and problem-solve. Such ...
Presentation at the American Education Research Association (AERA) Conference on Reimagining Teacher Education through Design Thinking: A Mixed-methods Analysis ...
JCDISI e-Newsletter | 通訊 July 2023
It is completely free! Teachers will learn about trends in design thinking, social innovation, and education development; and experience the teaching tools and ...
Other Activities | Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation
Incorporating design thinking methodologies and Social Return On Investment (SROI) principles into its framework design, the 3-hour workshop successfully ...
Ms Sam LAM | Jockey Club Design Institute for Social Innovation
Biography. Sam has dedicated her career to Strategic Design Thinking and Innovation, Creating Shared Value (CSV), Public-Private Partnerships, Brand Strategy ...