
It is observed that existing open spaces are generally zoned and demarcated by their functions and targeted users, which the monotonous play equipment may not satisfy needs of different age groups and discouraged interactions.  

However, there are massive potential and mutual benefits for all age to enhance the quality and functionality of public open spaces. The interventions would encourage IG interactions and play, reduce social isolation, promote healthy and active ageing and support elderly wellness management, thus, shaping a distinctive IG play experience. 

The age-neutral equipment choice and design would encourage and enable people of all ages and abilities to enjoy the park as equals. If effectively executed, the public space upgrade as a longer-term social infrastructure investment will increase the self-care ability of the elderly, delay their need for long-term care services. This will contribute positively to supporting the government’s policy to promote ageing-in-place and making Hong Kong an inclusive, age-friendly city.