Roy Kam
Senior Educational Development Manager (Senior Digital Learning Specialist)
- Location TU621
- Phone +852 2766 4408
- mail roy.kam@polyu.edu.hk
Areas of Responsibility |
Curriculum Vitae |
Academic Qualifications |
Year | Institution | Qualification | Field of Study | ||
2002 | UCL Institute of Education, University College London |
M.A. (Pass with Distinction in Approaches to Communication Design) | Information & Communications Technology in Education | ||
2000 | Hong Kong Polytechnic University | B.A. (First Class First) | Contemporary English Language | ||
Professional Qualifications |
Year | Institution | Qualification | |||
2021 | AdvanceHE | Senior Fellow (SFHEA) | |||
2012 | Blackboard Inc. | Certified Trainer | |||
2010 | Knowledge Management & Innovation Research Centre | Certified Knowledge Professional | |||
2001 | British
Chevening Scholars (Hong Kong) Association |
Registered Member | |||
Work Experience |
From | To | Institution | Position Held | ||
2008 | Date | Educational Development Centre, Hong Kong Polytechnic University | Educational Development
Officer (Instructional Design Specialist) [note 3] |
2006 | 2008 | Training & Development
Centre, Cathay Pacific Airways |
eLearning Instructional Design Specialist [note 1] |
2003 | 2005 | Hanlun eLearning | Executive Producer [note 2] |
2000 | 2003 | Open University of Hong Kong | Senior Research Assistant [note 3] |
Institute of Education, University of London | Research Assistant (e-Moderator) [note 3] |
Edport.com Limited (Affirm Score Limited) | Instructional Designer [note 4] |
1] – eLearning in Corporate Education; [note 2] – eLearning
in Secondary Education; [note 3] – eLearning in Higher Education; [note 4] – eLearning in Government, Healthcare, Secondary & Higher Education |
Major Publications and Conference Presentations |
Chan, K. L., Chin, D.C.W., Wong, M.S., Kam, R., Chan, B.S.B., Liu, C.H., Wong, F.K.K., Suen, L.K.P., Yang, L., Lam, S.C., Lai, W.W.L., & Zhu, X. (Forthcoming). Academic Discipline as a Moderating Variable between Seating Location and Academic Performance: Implications for Teaching. Higher Education Research & Development. Kwok, C.Y.T., Wong, M.S., Griffiths, S., Wong, F.Y.Y., Kam, R., Chin, D.C.W., Xiong, G., Mok, E. (2020). Performance Evaluation of iBeacon Deployment for Location-Based Services in Physical Learning Spaces. Applied Sciences. 2020; 10(20):7126. Harbutt D., Kam, R., Luk, G., Patel, M., & Zhou, L. (2020). eAssessment in Hong Kong: Current Realities and Future Directions. Paper presented at eLearning Forum Asia 2020, Hong Kong, China, 7-8 Dec. Chan, K. L., Wong, M.S., & Kam, R. (2020). A Study of the Relationship between Students’ Seating Positions and Academic Performances Using BLE Positioning Technology. Paper presented at International Conference on Learning and Teaching 2020, Hong Kong, China, 2-4 Dec. Griffiths, S., Wong, M.S., Kwok, C.Y.T., Kam, R., Lam, S.C., Yang, L., Yip, T.L., Heo, J., Chan, B.S.B., Xiong, G., Lu, K. (2019). Exploring Bluetooth Beacon Use Cases in Teaching and Learning: Increasing the Sustainability of Physical Learning Spaces. Sustainability 2019, 11, 4005. Sheen K. A., Wong, M. S., Kam, R., Kwok, C. Y. T., & Lu, K. (2019). Gauging the Student Learning Experience of a Mobile Application Using iBeacon Technology. In R.Goonetilleke & W. Karwowski (Eds.), Advances in Physical Ergonomics & Human Factors. AHFE 2018. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 789. Springer, Cham. Kam, R., & Tsui, E. (2018). A Mixed Methods Approach to Getting Insights from the First-ever edX MOOC "Knowledge Management and Big Data in Business". Proceedings of Hong Kong Association of Educational and Communications Technology Conference 2018, Hong Kong, China, 25-27 July. Kam, R., Tang, S.K., & Lee, L. (2018). An Extended Use of Technology-supported and Triangulated Writing Tasks to Examine the Integration of Generic Competencies at Subject Level in Higher Education. Proceedings of International Conference on Open and Innovative Education 2018, Hong Kong, China, 3-6 July. Sheen, Anne. K., Wong, M.S., Kam, R., Kwok, Y.T. Coco., Xiong, G., Lu, K.,(2018), The Big Data Revolution in Learning and Teaching: Creating New Educational Experiences and Facilitating the Smart Campus. Invited session of Learning & Teaching@EDUHK Festival, Hong Kong, China, 25 May. Wong, M.S., Kam, R., Kwok, Y.T. Coco., Xiong, G., Lu, K., Sheen, Anne. K., (2018), Development of Location-based Driven Application for Innovative and Technology-assisted Learning and Teaching Practices. Proceedings of eLearning Forum Asia 2018, Taiwan, China, 23-25 May. Wong, J. K., Oladinrin, O. T., Ho, C. M., Guilbert, E., & Kam, R. (2018), Assessment of Video-based e-learning in a Construction Measurement Course. International Journal of Construction Management, 1-7. Leung, C. W., Kam, R., & Wong, K.L. (2018). Using Diagnostic e-Assessment to Address Undergraduate Entry Students’ Competencies in Physics for University Studies. Proceedings of Technology-Enhanced Assessment Conference 2018, Hong Kong, China, 8-9 February. Wong, M.S., Kam, R., Mak, A., (2017), An Open and Flexible Education Strategy of Delivering Geomatics Education from a Hong Kong University through OER, SPOC and MOOC. Paper presented in The 4th Greater China MOOC Symposium, Hong Kong, China, 20-21 July. Available online at https://edx.keep.edu.hk/courses/course-v1:CUHK+GCMS+2017/about Wong, J.K.W., Oladinrin, T.O., Ho, C.M.F., Guilbert, E., & Kam, R., (2016), Assessment of e-Learning in Construction Measurement Course. Proceedings of the MAC-ETel 2016, Prague, Czech, 5-6 August. Kam, R., (2016). Essential Tips for Designing and Developing MOOCs. Invited Workshop presented in Centre for Learning and Teaching (Vocational Training Council), Hong Kong, 28 June. Kam, R., Tang, S.K., & Lee, L. (2016). The Impact of Technology-supported and Triangulated Writing Tasks on a Pilot Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Subject for Construction Disciplines. Computers and Composition, Vol. 40: 131-150. Tang, S.K., Kam, R., & Lee, L. (2013). Embedding Writing Assignments through ePortfolio in a Pilot Freshman Seminar for Construction Disciplines. Proceedings of 20th International Conference on Learning, Rhodes Island, Greece, 11-13 July. Tang, S.K., & Kam, R. (2012). The Blended Approach for Teaching Architectural Acoustics—a Preliminary Study. Workshop presented in The Acoustics 2012 Conference (Acoustical Society of America), Hong Kong, 13-18 May. Kam, R., & Lee, L. (2011). The Uptake of Technology-Supported Learning and Teaching Practices across Disciplines as a Result of Teachers’ Professional Development. Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Learning, Mauritius, 5-8 July. Kam, R., & Lee, L. (2010). Putting into a Discipline Context – a Two-tiered Approach for Investigating the Design of a Hypermedia Learning Environment for Service Language Proficiency Enhancement in Workplace Education. Proceedings of Conference of the International Journal of Arts and Sciences, Provence, France, 8-11 June. Kam, R., & Csete, J. (2010). Professional Development for Teaching One “BITE” at a Time – Description, Application and Lessons Learned for the BITE Initiative. Proceedings of Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010, Penang, Malaysia, 17-20 May. Kam, R., Lai, C.K., Pang, M.Y.C., & Mau, S.D. (2009). An eLearning Strategy for Campus-based Colleges and Universities - eScholars Group for Sharing, Collaboration and Synergy. Workshop presented in 17th International Conference on Computers in Education, Hong Kong, China, 30 Nov-4 Dec. Kam, R., & Csete, J. (2009). The Blended Approach behind BITE Initiative for Promoting the Use of Technologies in Learning and Teaching Enhancement in Higher Education. Proceedings of 2009 International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning – Blending Technologies and Teaching Practices, Hong Kong, China, 6-8 July. Kam, R. (2008). eLearning Development in Practice – Making the Best Use of Interactions among Subject Matter Expert, Instructional Designer and Multimedia Developer. Proceedings of E-Learn 2008, Las Vegas, United States, 17-21 November. Kam, R. (2008).Hypermedia-enriched Learning Space Design for Professional Competence Enhancement in Workplace Education. Proceedings of 2008 International Conference on ICT in Teaching and Learning – Technology-enriched Learning Spaces, Hong Kong, China, 7-8 July. Kam, R. (2008). The Transformative Use of Performance-oriented Instructional Design in Technology-enhanced Workplace Education. Paper presented in Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) Research Symposium 2008 – Empowering Communities and Transforming Learning, Hong Kong, China, 5-7 June. Kenner, C., Kress, G., Tsai, K.C., Kam, R. & Al-Khatib, H. (2004), ‘Finding the Keys to Biliteracy: How Young Children Interpret Different Writing Systems’, Language and Education 18 (2): 124-144 Kam, R. (2003). An Exploration of the Design of Hypermedia Learning Environments from Pedagogic Perspectives. Paper presented in Centre for Information Technology in Education (CITE) ) Research Symposium 2003 – Researching Practice: IT as a Lever for Innovation, Hong Kong, China, 5 July. |
Services to the Profession |
From | To | Service | |||
2020 | 2020 | QS Wharton Reimagine Education Awards (Shortlisted in E-Learning, Team) | |||
2018 | 2018 | QS Wharton Reimagine Education Awards (Shortlisted in Presence Teaching & Learning, Team) | |||
2018 | 2018 | LearnX Impact Gold Award in the Best Learning Model - Future Learning (Team) | |||
2017 | 2017 | MOOCr Award in Course Design and Quality (Team, Honorable Mention) | |||
2016 | 2017 | Awardee of Faculty Award of Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Teaching (Team, FCE) | |||
2016 | Now | Reviewer for Computers and Education | |||
2015 | 2016 | Member of Association for Educational Communications and Technology | |||
2015 | 2016 | Member of Association for Talent Development (formerly ASTD) | |||
2014 | 2015 | Awardee of Faculty Award of Outstanding Performance/Achievement in Teaching (Team, FCE) | |||
2013 | 2014 | Reviewer for International Journal of Learning in Higher Education |