This EDC and ITS collaborative workshop series consists of two hybrid workshops about how to develop rubrics both theoretically and technically. Demonstration, discussion activities and hands-on exercises are designed for the participants to enrich their learning experience.
Topics include:
- Introduction to rubrics
- Rubric policy
- Types of rubrics
- Developing rubrics and evaluating their quality
- How to set up rubrics in Learn@Polyu and Turnitin
- How to grade your students' work using rubrics in Learn@Polyu and Turnitin
Setting up Rubrics in Learn@PolyU and Turnitin
Facilitator: Eric Ng, ITS
Facilitator: Jamie Lee, ITS
Facilitator: Roy Kam, EDC
Date: 27 Jul 2022
Time: 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Venue: N103 / Online-MS Teams
This is the first workshop of the Creating and Using Assessment Rubrics workshop series, where participants will learn about the basics about rubrics, the University policy regarding the use of rubrics, followed by demonstrations on how teachers can set up rubrics in Learn@PolyU and Turnitin and how to use rubrics to grade student assessments.
For participants choosing to attend face-to-face, please bring your own laptop in order to participate in the activities.
Developing Quality Rubrics for Marking, Grading and Teaching
Facilitator: Alan Urmston, ELC
Facilitator: Dawn Lo, EDC
Facilitator: Leo Chon, EDC
Date: 29 Jul 2022
Time: 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Venue: N103 / Online-Zoom
A rubric provides descriptions of specified criteria at specified levels for evaluating students’ work or performance. Rubrics play an important role in facilitating marking, grading and teaching. Constructing a rubric can be a challenging exercise but it can be made easier with some guidelines and tips.
This workshop will discuss how to develop a rubric and evaluate its quality. Join this workshop to learn, share, and experience the benefits that rubric development and use can bring to your teaching.
EDC Coordinator: Mitesh Patel