Academic Staff

Prof. Li-Ta HSU
Associate Head and Associate Professor, Limin Young Scholar in Aerospace Navigation
BSc (National Cheng Kung University); PhD (National Cheng Kung University); AFRIN; MION; MIEEE
Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Aerospace Navigation
Homepage: Intelligent Positioning and Navigation Laboratory
Research interests:
- GNSS Positioning and Signal Processing,
- Indoor Positioning and Indoor Navigation (Wi-Fi, UWB, INS, etc.),
- Visual and LiDAR SLAM,
- Sensors Fusion,
- Estimation and Optimization.
For the applications:
- Smartphone, Smart Watch, and Smart Glasses,
- Unmanned Autonomous Systems,
- Autonomous Driving,
- Avionics.
Short Description
Dr Li-Ta Hsu, Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Aerospace Navigation, is currently an Associate Professor and Associate Head in Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering at PolyU, earned his BSc and PhD degrees in aeronautics and astronautics from National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, in 2007 and 2013 respectively. Winning a Student Paper Award from the Institute of Navigation (ION) in the U.S., he showed promising potential as a scholar early on. Once a visiting scholar at the University College London, and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology; a JSPS postdoctoral fellow in the Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo; a technical representative and a council member of ION; and currently an associate fellow of the United Kingdom’s Royal Institute of Navigation and a senior member of IEEE, Dr. Hsu garnered over ten years of R&D experience in the discipline of aerospace navigation. Since he joined PolyU in 2016, Dr Hsu has undertaken numerous collaborative R&D projects on GNSS positioning for smartphones and intelligent vehicles, especially useful in highly urbanised cities such as Hong Kong, Shanghai and Tokyo. Dr Hsu has keen research interest in everything related to urban positioning and signal processing, including GNSS real-time kinematic positioning and ways to improve GNSS performance under challenging reception conditions. He also charts new territory in unmanned autonomous systems (UAS) positioning using different signals of opportunity, visual positioning system and LiDAR based simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). He has published more than 80 journal papers and is currently an associate editor in Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation and Frontiers in Robotics and AI.
許立達博士,利民航空導航青年學者席,現為理大航空及民航工程學系副教授兼副系主任。許立達博士分別在 2007 年和 2013 年在台灣國立成功大學獲得航空航天學學士和博士學位。他很早就表現出作為學者的潛力。他獲得了美國導航學會 (Institute of Navigation , ION) 的學生論文獎。曾在倫敦大學學院、東京海洋科技大學擔任訪問學者;東京大學生產技術研究所擔任日本學術振興會博士後研究員; 美國導航協會的技術代表和理事會成員;許博士現為英國皇家導航學會副院士、IEEE高級會員,在航天導航領域擁有十餘年的研發經驗。自 2016 年加入理大以來,許博士承擔了多項合作研發項目,為智能手機和智能車輛提供高精度GNSS 定位,尤其適用於香港、上海和東京等高度城市化的城市。 許博士對與城市定位和信號處理相關的所有領域都有濃厚的研究興趣,包括 GNSS RTK定位以及在具有挑戰性的接收條件下提高 GNSS 性能的方法。他還使用不同的機會信號(SOOP)、視覺定位系統和基於激光雷達的同步定位和映射 (SLAM) 繪製了無人自主系統 (UAS) 定位的新領域。發表期刊論文 80 餘篇,目前是 Navigation, Journal of the Institute of Navigation 和 Frontiers in Robotics and AI 雜誌的副主編。
Positions available for PhD Students, Research Assistants, Postdoctoral Researchers and Research Assistant Professors. Please send your CV to Dr. Hsu at
Selected Publications
- Ng, H. F., Zhang, G., Luo, Y., & Hsu, L. T. (2021). Urban positioning: 3D mapping‐aided GNSS using dual‐frequency pseudorange measurements from smartphones. NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 68(4), 727-749.
- Wen, W., Pfeifer, T., Bai, X., & Hsu, L. T. (2021). Factor graph optimization for GNSS/INS integration: A comparison with the extended Kalman filter. NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 68(2), 315-331.
- Zhang, G., Ng, H. F., Wen, W., & Hsu, L. T. (2020). 3D mapping database aided GNSS based collaborative positioning using factor graph optimization. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(10), 6175-6187.
- Wen, W., Zhang, G., & Hsu, L. T. (2019). Correcting NLOS by 3D LiDAR and building height to improve GNSS single point positioning. NAVIGATION: Journal of the Institute of Navigation, 66(4), 705-718.
- Hsu, L. T. (2018). Analysis and modeling GPS NLOS effect in highly urbanized area. GPS Solutions, 22(1), 1-12.
- Hsu, L. T., Tokura, H., Kubo, N., Gu, Y., & Kamijo, S. (2017). Multiple faulty GNSS measurement exclusion based on consistency check in urban canyons. IEEE Sensors Journal, 17(6), 1909-1917.
- Hsu, L. T., Gu, Y., & Kamijo, S. (2016). 3D building model-based pedestrian positioning method using GPS/GLONASS/QZSS and its reliability calculation. GPS Solutions, 20(3), 413-428.
- Hsu, L. T., Jan, S. S., Groves, P. D., & Kubo, N. (2015). Multipath mitigation and NLOS detection using vector tracking in urban environments. GPS Solutions, 19(2), 249-262.