Academic Staff

Prof. Lingxiao WU
Assistant Professor
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- 3400 8233
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BSc, MSc, PhD
Research Interests
Data-driven Optimization, Aviation Operations Modelling and Optimization, UAV Service Network Design, Shipping and Port Operations Modelling and Optimization
Short Description
Dr. Lingxiao Wu is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Aeronautical and Aviation Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Prior to this, he was a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at HEC Montreal, Canada. Dr. Wu received his PhD degree in Transportation Studies from The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2020, supported by the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme. He obtained his MSc degree in Management Science from Tongji University, China and his BSc degree in Logistics Management from Dalian Maritime University, China. His research expertise and interests mainly lie in the design and implementation of methods that combine operations research and data analytics for solving problems arising in logistics management and transportation, especially in aviation and maritime systems. His research has appeared in leading international journals, including Operations Research, Transportation Research Part B/E, and Transportation Science, among others.
Opening Positions
Self-motivated engineering, science, and business students with strong academic backgrounds who are interested in pursuing a PhD degree in the areas of aviation, transportation, and operations research are strongly encouraged to contact me (
Selected Publications
- Wu, L., Adulyasak, Y., Cordeau, J.-F., Wang, S. (2022). Vessel service planning in seaports. Operations Research, 70(4), 2032–2053.
- Lai X., Wu, L., Wang, K., Wang, F. (2022) Robust ship fleet deployment with shipping revenue management. Transportation Research Part B, 143, 124–159.
- Wu, L., Wang, S., Laporte, G. (2021). The robust bulk ship routing problem with batched cargo selection. Transportation Research Part B, 143, 124–159.
- Wu, L., Pan, K., Wang, S., Yang, D. (2018). Bulk ship scheduling in industrial shipping with stochastic backhaul canvassing demand. Transportation Research Part B, 117, 117–136.
- Jia, S., Wu, L., Meng, Q. (2020). Joint scheduling of vessel traffic and pilots in seaport waters. Transportation Science, 54, 1439–1731.
- Wu, L., Jia, S., Wang, S. (2020). Pilotage planning in seaports. European Journal of Operational Research, 287, 90–105.
- Yang, D., Wu, L., Wang, S., (2021). Can we trust the AIS destination port information for bulk ships? – implications for shipping policy and practice. Transportation Research Part E, 149, 102308.
- Wu, L., Yang, D., Wang, S., Yuan, Y. (2020). Evacuating offshore working barges from a land reclamation site in storm emergencies. Transportation Research Part E, 137, 101902.
- Wu, L., Wang, S. (2020). The shore power deployment problem for maritime transportation. Transportation Research Part E, 135, 101883.
- Yang, D., Wu, L., Wang, S. Jia, H., Li, K.X. (2019). How big data enriches maritime research – a critical review of Automatic Identification System (AIS) data applications. Transport Reviews, 39, 755–773.
- Wu, L., Ma, W. (2017). Quay crane scheduling with draft and trim constraints. Transportation Research Part E, 97, 38–68.
- Wu, L., Wang, S. (2018). Exact and heuristic methods to solve the parallel machine scheduling problem with multi-processor tasks. International Journal of Production Economics, 201, 26–40.