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Empowering Communities through Sustainable Water Solutions: PolyU Students Make a Difference in Cambodia

17 Jun 2024

In May 20 to 28, 2024, the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) organized an impactful Service-Learning project in Cambodia. A team of 15 PolyU students from BSE3S03E Living Environment for Low-income Communities, accompanied by 2 BEEE staff members, collaborated with the Cambodian Children's Advocacy Foundation Organization (CCAFO) to install water filtration systems in a learning centre serving over 300 children in remote villages.


The project addressed the pressing need for improved water quality and sustainable water access in the community. By working alongside local youths, the PolyU team installed the filtration systems and focused on knowledge transfer and capacity building.


"This Service-Learning project exemplifies our department's commitment to practical education and global citizenship," said Dr LT Wong, BSE3S03E subject teacher. "Our students had the opportunity to apply their technical skills to make a tangible difference in the lives of those in need while also learning valuable lessons about community development and cross-cultural collaboration."


During the project, the BSE3S03E team worked closely with local staff to ensure the long-term sustainability of the water filtration systems. They provided hands-on training on the maintenance and operation of the equipment, empowering the community to take ownership of this vital resource.


The influence of the project transcends immediate necessities, as it paves the way for improved public health, enhanced daily practices, and overall community welfare. By enabling access to clean water, the project has the potential to revolutionize the lives of hundreds of children and their families, promising a healthier and more prosperous future.


The BSE3S03E Service-Learning project in Cambodia is a testament to the university's unwavering dedication to practical education and its role as a global frontrunner in tackling urgent societal issues. Through collaborative endeavors and knowledge exchange, PolyU students have left an indelible mark on the lives of those in need, fostering a brighter and more sustainable future for the community.


Photos of the event can be viewed here.


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