Building Safety and Resilience

Professor USMANI Asif Sohail
- Further Development of OpenSees structures-in-fire (SiF) Simulation (Competitive Research Grant)
- Investigation of the Fire Performance of Stainless Steel Composite Structures (Central Research Grant)
- Simulating Large-scale Progressive Collapse of Tall Buildings and Bridges, (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme award, RGC Hong Kong, HK$ 730,000)
- Collapse analysis of Plasco building using OpenSees, (CNERC Hong Kong Branch, HK$ 279,056)
- Smart Firefighting for the Greater Bay Area, Co-I with Dr Huang (RISUD, PolyU HK$ 1,119,720)
- SureFire: Smart Urban Resilience and Firefighting, (Theme-based Research Scheme, RGC Hong Kong, HK$ 33.333 Million) – PhD and Post-doctoral research positions AVAILABLE !!!
Professor CHEN Mingli
- Pioneer Observations of Upward Lightning Initiated from Tall Grounded Structures (Competitive Research Grant)
- New Approach for Evaluating the Effect of Electromagnetic Field Propagating over Rough Earth Surface with Lightning Data and Its Result Interpretation with Modelling (RGC General Research Fund)
- Study of the Leader Evolution and its Associated Space Electric Field based on VHF Source Mapping and Electric Field Measurement of Lightning Downward Leaders (RGC General Research Fund)
- Study of the Effect of Hydrometeor Dynamics on Lightning Initiations Within a Thundercloud Based on Cloud Modelling and Lightning Observations (RGC General Research Fund)
- Modelling of Currents, Lights and Electromagnetic Fields of Lightning Return Strokes Based on Maxwell Integral Equations and its Validations with Observations (RGC General Research Fund)
- Probing of the Low Ionosphere Based on a Lightning Sferic Detection Network with a Ray Theory Based Earth-Ionosphere-Waveguide Model (RGC General Research Fund)
Professor DU Yaping
- Evaluation of Lightning Surges in Radio Base Stations for Mobile Communication (RGC General Research Fund)
- Developing the Traveling Wave Theory for Lightning Transients on Vertical Structures (RGC General Research Fund)
- Lightning-Generated Electromagnetic Transients in a Planar Structure Using a PEEC Approach (RGC General Research Fund)
- A Stable Extended FDTD Thin-Wire Model for Lightning Surge Analysis (RGC General Research Fund)
- Development of an Extended FDTD Thin-wire Model for Lightning Surge Analysis (Central Research Grant)
Dr HUANG Xinyan
- Fundamental Study on the Firebrand Ignition of Building Insulation Materials (Competitive Research Grant)
- Microgravity Combustion and Fire Safety in Space Applications
- Thermal Safety of Energy Storage Materials
- Wildland Fire Dynamics and Fire Ecology
Dr LAI Hung Kit
- Optimisation of Operating Resources and Carbon Footprints for Attaining Sustainable Commercial Buildings (RGC General Research Fund)
- Development of an Analytic Facilities Management Performance Evaluation Method for Hospital Buildings (RGC General Research Fund)
- Optimisation of Operating Resources and Carbon Footprints for Attaining Sustainable Commercial Buildings (Central Research Grant)
- Building Operation and Maintenance: Key Performance Indicators for Commercial Buildings and Manpower in Hong Kong