Academic Advising

The Academic Advisors will advise you on all matters related to academic requirements and study leading to the award of the Major, and a Minor if applicable, including:
a) building rapport with the student advisees; b) helping students to clarify your study and professional goals; c) helping students to understand the programme aims, curriculum structure and PLOs; d) helping students to know about the pattern of study and develop an appropriate study plan; e) advising students on the credit requirements on Mathematics, English and Chinese subjects; f) guiding students on the study pattern and progress of GUR subjects in consolidation with the study of discipline-specific subjects; g) advising students on the choice of discipline-specific electives in consideration of your professional goal; h) advising students on the option of Minor Study and free electives; i) alerting students to academic regulations and requirements; and j) identification of students with special learning needs or signs of learning problems and make necessary referrals.
- For Year 1 students: Students are required to attend at least two academic advising meetings with their Academic Advisor in an academic year. The meetings will be scheduled in Semester one and Semester two (during the add/drop period).
- For Year 2 to 4 students: The Academic Advisor will be available to answer his/her enquiries via email and provide clinical consultation to his/her students on need basis by individual appointment.
Academic advising at PolyU aims at helping students to make informed and intelligent academic decisions/choices about their study at PolyU that suit their intellectual, professional and personal goals. It is instrumental to promoting students’ success, and plays a vital role in enhancing students’ overall learning experience at PolyU. The specific objectives are:
- To build up an early connection between the students and their home departments, and to promote their sense of affiliation to the department and the University;
- To provide students with accurate information about the academic regulations and requirements regarding their Major/programme, as well as the GUR;
- To assist students to explore their interests, abilities and values on academic pursuits, and formulate appropriate intellectual, professional and personal goals;
- To provide advice and guidance to students that enables them to develop and pursue a study plan which is appropriate for reaching their intellectual, professional and personal goals, and
- To connect students with resources, opportunities and support within and outside the University that enhance their educational experiences and success.
Academic advising will be provided to students in the formats of regular face-to-face meetings and clinical consultation sessions. The meetings can be conducted in individual or group basis at the discretion of the Academic Advisor.
To assist the students in identifying their study patterns and goals, you are required to fill in Session Log Sheet in each academic advising meeting. The completed log sheet needs to be returned to Academic Advisor within 7 days after the meeting for record (and follow-up actions if necessary).
Each student will be informed of his/her academic advisor as soon as he/she is registered in the BEng (Hons) in Building Sciences and Engineering programme (including advanced standing and senior year students in the BEng(Hons) in Building Services Engineering programme). In the 1st year of study, you will:
- meet with your academic advisor in semester one during add/drop period to discuss academic major and subject selection.
- consult the BEEE Undergraduate Secretary, when needs arise, on issues related to academic regulations.
In the subsequent years after the 1st year of study, you will:
- consult the Academic Advisor, when need arise.
- consult the BEEE Undergraduate Secretary, when need arise, on issues related to academic regulations.