Lighting Engineering

Researchers: |
Mr. Daniel W T To |
Collaborators: |
Dr J Mardaljevic, IESD, De Montfort University, UK |
Research Staff: |
Mr. C M Kwok (Research Assistant) Mr. Roger T H Ng (Research Assistant) |
Research Students: | Miss H D Cheung (PhD student) Mr. C M Kwok (PhD student - part-time) Mr. Shusheng Dai (PhD student) |
Summary of Research
Current research efforts in lighting can be divided into two major areas: daylighting and artificial lighting. Daylighting research concentrates on the study of assessment methods for high-rise buildings in dense urban areas. Methods being studied include those based on an idealized sky condition and those based on realistic climate conditions. A study in applying irradiation mapping technique in the very dense urban environment in Hong Kong is near completion. Currently, the feasibility of applying horizontal light pipes for high rise buildings in Hong Kong is being investigated. An investigation on a comprehensive indicator for daylighting performance in buildings has been initiated. A new daylight glare rating formula has been proposed. A multi-criteria approach for assessing daylighting performance of buildings is currently being investigated. Artificial lighting research deals with the sustainability issues of new family of fluorescent lamps. A review study of the effect of lighting on health has been undertaken with the aim of advising the public on the lighting needs of a healthy building. It is planned to start an investigation into the application of light-emitting diodes for general illumination and to develop internet-based control systems for LED lighting.
Examples of Funded Projects
- A multi-criteria approach for assessing daylighting performance of buildings (2006-2008 RGC CERG $413,324)
- Performance indicator of daylighting in buildings (2005-2007 PolyU $170,000/BSE $45,000)
- Applicability of horizontal light pipes for daylighting multistorey buildings in a dense urban environment (2003-2006 RGC CERG $452,812)
- A new schema to quantify solar access and daylight availability for dense urban environment (2002-2005 RGC CERG $433,404)
Supporting Facilities (and Platforms)
- Konica Minolta T30 Illuminance Measuring System - 18 high quality T30M illuminance sensors measuring simultaneous illuminance with data management software T-A30 Luminance meter LS-100
- Spectrophotocolorimeter measuring system (available in 1st quarter 2006)
- Integrating spheres (1.5 m diameter and 0.3 m diameter; available in 1st quarter 2006)
- Goniophotometer system (CIE class A; available in 1st quarter 2006)
- Lighting simulation software: RADIANCE, ADELINE
Selected Publications
- H.D. Cheung and T.M. Chung (2005). Calculation of vertical daylight factor on window facades in a dense urban environment. Architectural Science Review. Vol. 48, No. 1, 2005, p.81-91.
- T.M. Chung (2005). On the calculation of daylight glare index. Proceedings of the 5th Lux Pacifica: Towards a Sustainable Lighting Future, 24-26 July 2005, Cairns, Australia, p.81-86.
- T.M. Chung and H.D. Cheung (2005), Assessing daylighting performance of buildings using orthographically projected area of obstructions. Proceedings of the 5th Lux Pacifica: Towards a Sustainable Lighting Future, 24-26 July 2005, Cairns, Australia, p.95-100.
- T.T. To, T.M. Chung and J. Mardaljevic (2005). Integrating total receivable solar irradiation into OTTV calculation. Hubei - Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2005 - on Building Services Design, System Control & Value Evaluation, Wuhan, China, 1-2 July 2005, p. 192-200.
- C.M. Kwok, T.M. Chung and J. Mardaljevic (2005). Design of light pipe aperture on building facades in dense urban environments using a cumulative illumination technique. CIE Mid-term Meeting and International Lighting Congress, 18-20 May 2005, Leon, Spain, pp. 121-130.
- T.M. Chung, J. Mardaljevic and T.T. To (2005). Application of annual irradiation mapping for daylighting analysis" CIE Mid-term Meeting and International Lighting Congress, 18-20 May 2005, Leon, Spain, pp. 131-141.
- T.M. Chung (2005). T5 fluorescent lamp systems and building sustainability. Proceedings of the Conference on Sustainable Building South East Asia (SB04 series), 11-13 April 2005, Malaysia, p.384-394.
- T.M. Chung (2004). Healthy and efficient lighting for building interiors. Shenyang - Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2004 - on Healthy Building in Urban Environment, Shenyang, China, 29-30 July 2004, pp. A66-76.
- T.M. Chung and J. Mardaljevic (2004). Quantifying solar access and daylight availability in dense urban settings. International Housing Conference - Housing in the 21st Century: Challenges and Commitments, Hong Kong, 2-4 February 2004, Published in CD-ROM format.
- T.M. Chung and W. Zhang (2003). Enhancing daylight performance of side-lit rooms by horizontal light pipes. Shandong - Hong Kong Joint Symposium 2003 - on New Technology for Better Built Environment, Shandong, China, 17-18 October 2003, pp. A167-176.
- H.D. Cheung and T.M. Chung (2003). Calculation of mean daylight factor in a building interior within a dense urban environment. Proceedings of the CIB Student Chapters International Symposium: Inovation in Construction and Real Estate, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, 26-27 September 2003. pp. 273-282.
- H.D. Cheung and T.M. Chung (2003). A site layout planning tool for daylight access in residential buildings with due consideration of local climate and human satisfaction. Proceedings of the 25th Session of the CIE (International Commission on Illumination) Conference 2003, San Diego, USA, pp. D3.16-19.
- T.M. Chung (2003). Daylighting in Hong Kong: potential and problems. Lighting Research & Technology Vol. 35 No.1, pp. 39-41.
- H.D. Cheung and T.M. Chung (2002). Designing for Daylight and Sunlight Access - a Building Site Layout Planning Tool for Hong Kong. Proceedings of the HKIE/CIBSE/ASHRAE Annual Symposium - System Design and Operation for Enhancing Sustainability of Buildings, 8-10 July 2002, Chongqing, China, pp. A90-99.
- D.W.T. To, K.S. Leung, T.M. Chung and C.S. Leung (2002). Potential energy saving for a side-lit room using daylight-linked fluorescent lamp installations. Lighting Research and Technology, vol. 34, no. 2, pp. 121-133.