Indoor Environmental Quality

Prof. J. L. Niu
Dr. C. K. Chau
Prof. C. M. Mak
Dr. M. Y. Chan
Dr. Horace K. W. Mui
Prof. S. K. Tang
Prof Per Heiselberg, Hybrid Ventilation Center, Aalborg University, Denmark Prof Phil Jones, University of Wales, UK
Prof R Y Zhao and Prof H F Di, Department of Building Science and Technology, Tsinghua University, China Prof H Yoshino, Tohoku University, Japan
Prof R Luo, Tsinghua University, Dr Z J Zhu, The University of Science of Technology of China
Research in Indoor Environmental Quality
- Development of low-energy air conditioning systems, which integrate radiant cooling, desiccant dehumidification, and personal ventilation systems.
- Application of turbulence modeling and CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) for building ventilation study; assessment of spread risks of air-borne and droplets-transmitted diseases in built environment
- Characterization of indoor air pollutant emission from building materials and development of standard testing methods.
- Total exposure assessment of Hong Kong population to indoor air pollutant; evaluate the economic health benefit associated with improvement in indoor air quality.
- Indoor air quality control in special premises: schools; underground carparks; shopping malls
- Tracer-gas technique for building ventilation measurements
- Development of air-cleaning technologies including PCO (Photo-Catalytic-Oxidization) technologies
Consultancy Services are provided to the local government and industry
- Diagnosis of indoor air quality, and auditing of building energy consumptions
- Testing of air-cleaning efficiencies of commercial products
- CFD(Computational fluid dynamics) analysis of building ventilation and wind environments
Research Projects:
- Integration of desiccant cooling and cooled-ceiling in commercial air-conditioning systems (HK$495,000, Research Grant Council)
- Optimized air supply temperature and velocity with radiant cooling and desiccant humidity control a/c systems (HK$581,817, Research Grants Council)
- Numerical and experimental investigations of PER and thermal comfort under micro-climate control conditions (HK$503,083, Research Grants Council)
- Developing mass-transfer-based models for the prediction of indoor air pollutant emissions from building materials in real buildings (HK$469,404, Research Grants Council)
- Fuzzy air quality indices for management of indoor air quality in air conditioned buildings (HK$324,000, Research Grants Council)
- Development of an ICU extraction equipment for preventing the transmission of contaminant exhaled air in intensive care unit (ICU) or isolation ward of hospital (HK$95,000, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
- A new composite thermal comfort and indoor air quality model for air-conditioned offices (HK$453,404, Research Grants Council)
- The total exposure assessment of Hong Kong population to various air pollutants (HK$680,371, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)