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Smart Design on Optimising Land Resources- Social Innovation Inventor –Design Competition 2023/24

15 Aug 2024

The World Green Organisation (WGO) and the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE) of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) recently hosted the Award Presentation Ceremony for the Social Innovation Inventor Design Competition. The event celebrated innovative design solutions that addressed pressing social and environmental challenges.


The ceremony was graced by the presence of distinguished guests, including:

Officiating Guests:

  • Mr. Lam Chi Man, David, JP, Under Secretary for Development Bureau
  • Ms. Joanne Yung, Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Resources Recovery), Environmental Protection Department
  • Ir Dr. Wong Ling Tim, Associate Head (Partnership) and Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University


Prize Presenters:

  • Ms. Elizabeth Tai, Director – Corporate Affairs (Business Operations), CLP Power Hong Kong Limited
  • Mr. Martin Putnam, Senior Manager, Sustainability, Airport Authority Hong Kong
  • Mr. Michael Ng, Chief Executive Officer, Karin Group
  • Mr. Alex Cheung, Chairman of Board of Governors, World Green Organisation
  • Mr. Albert Oung, President, World Green Organisation
  • Dr. William Yu, CEO, World Green Organisation


Guests - Judge Panel:

  • Mr. M H Chiu, Assistant Manager, Sustainability, Airport Authority Hong Kong


The Social Innovation Inventor Competition aims to foster a culture of innovation and sustainability, empowering young people to develop solutions that address societal and environmental challenges. This year's event showcased a remarkable collection of innovative designs, demonstrating the creativity and problem-solving skills of the participants.


After a rigorous selection process, the champions in the secondary school and tertiary student categories were announced. The team from Pui Ching Middle School emerged victorious in the secondary school category, showcasing a visit to the recycling factory in the park and an exhibition on the history of Yuen Long, which can raise the environmental awareness and recycling knowledge of the public and visitors, and conserve the culture of Yuen Long in a sustainable way. In the tertiary student category, The University of Hong Kong secured the top position, impressing the judges with a design based on walled villages, continuing the traditional atmosphere and ambiance, while incorporating green elements to establish an intergenerational inclusive northern metropolis.


Under Secretary for Development Bureau, Mr. Lam Chi-man, praised the creativity and excellent performance of the participating students. He stated that the Northern Metropolitan Area is a strategic new development area, which will provide about 500,000 new residential units and about 500,000 new job opportunities, serving as the focal point for future population, industries and economic activities. The government will plan the Northern Metropolitan Area with a forward-looking and innovative concept, striving to achieve a sustainable carbon-neutral community. He firmly believes that the development of the Northern Metropolitan Area will bring unlimited opportunities for the younger generation, and he encourages students to participate in the future development of the Northern Metropolitan Area and help create a better living environment for Hong Kong.


Ms. Joanne Yung, the Principal Environmental Protection Officer (Recycling) of the Environmental Protection Department, also highly praised the outstanding and creative works of the participating students, who were able to integrate a wealth of innovative environmental technologies into the building design, cleverly connecting and interacting the buildings with nature. "The integration of building design and management with the concept of sustainable development, reducing the impact on nature, has become a global trend. To build a sustainable future for Hong Kong, we must vigorously promote the development of green buildings and work together to build a carbon-neutral city to protect the Earth."


Ir Dr. Wong Ling Tim, the Associate Head/Associate Professor of PolyU BEEE, who has been a judge for this competition for many years, is very satisfied with the outstanding performance of the students this year. He praised the students' positive and serious learning attitude, their in-depth understanding of the building environment, and their skillful use of information technology to vividly present their design concepts. He emphasized that Hong Kong's future environmental planning requires talents with professional skills, innovative spirit, and a strong grasp of technology. He encourages young people to develop their interests into professional expertise, becoming green building design talents, and contribute their knowledge to society to lead Hong Kong's progress.


The award presentation ceremony was a testament to the dedication and hard work of the participants, as well as the continued support and commitment of WGO and the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering , partners, and the wider community in promoting social and environmental sustainability through innovative design.


Photos of the event can be viewed here.

For more details about the competition, please visit the official website of the World Green Organization (WGO) : 

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