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Some announcements are in Chinese only.

鑒於近期新型冠狀病毒疫情反覆,原定於本年11月舉行的「普通話水平考試」(PSK) 將順延至明年6月舉行。不便之處,敬請原諒。

12 Oct, 2020

Putonghua Shuiping Kaoshi Faculty of Humanities


鑒於近期新型冠狀病毒疫情反覆,原定於本年12月舉行的「國家普通話水平測試」(PSC) 將順延至明年4月舉行。不便之處,敬請原諒。

12 Oct, 2020

Putonghua Shuiping Ceshi Faculty of Humanities


Chinese Self-learning Unit will resume normal opening hours

Dear students, The Chinese Self-learning Unit located at FG701 will re-open from Monday, 7 September 2020. The opening hours are currently set at 9:30-12:45 and 14:00-18:00. Face mask must be worn when entering and staying in the Unit, and 1.8m distance from other people must be observed. Instant hand sanitizer and alcohol swap are available at the counter. The above arrangement will be maintained until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation. Chinese Language Centre

7 Sep, 2020

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities


取消原定於2020年10月舉行的小學普通話水平考試 (PPTPS)

鑑於新型冠狀病毒疫情仍然嚴峻,教育局早前宣布,九月開學的中小學及特殊學校,所有面授課堂及校內活動將會暫停。有見及此,為了保障考生、家長和本校職員的人身安全與健康,原定於2020年10月舉行的小學普通話水平考試 (PPTPS) 決定取消,並安排退還考試費支票。個別報名人士將會收到有關電郵通知;經學校統籌報考的考生,其支票將會郵寄到學校,由負責老師發還考試費給學生。不便之處,敬請原諒。

8 Aug, 2020

Putonghua Proficiency Test for Primary Students (PPTPS) Faculty of Humanities


Chinese Self-learning Unit only opens to CLC staff who have made their reservation

Dear students, Due to the resurge of pandemic, the Chinese Self-learning Unit located at FG701 will only open to Centre’s staff who have made their reservation and be temporarily closed to students from next Monday, 27 July, 2020. Chinese Writing tutorial next week will remain online. Your CRCW teacher will contact you after your reservation for the concerned service. The above arrangement will remain until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation. Chinese Language Centre

24 Jul, 2020

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities


取消或延期舉辦原定的小學普通話水平考試 (PPTPS)

鑒於新型冠狀病毒疫情反覆以及不可預知的社會事件,為了保障考生、家長和本校職員的人身安全與健康,本校保留取消或延期舉辦原定的小學普通話水平考試 (PPTPS) 的權利;本校也保留權利,拒絕無法符合衛生檢疫要求的考生及其陪同者進入本校校園。上述受影響而最終未能參加考試的考生,其考試費將會全數奉還。

14 Jul, 2020

Putonghua Proficiency Test for Primary Students (PPTPS) Faculty of Humanities


Re-opening of Chinese Self-learning Unit

The Chinese Self-learning Unit located at FG701 will re-open from Monday, 4 May 2020. The opening hours are currently set at 10:30-12:45 and 14:00-17:30. Face mask must be worn when entering and staying in the Unit, and 1.8m distance from other people must be observed. Instant hand sanitizer and alcohol swap are available at the counter. Consultation service for the remaining of the semester and Chinese Writing tutorial next week will remain online. The above arrangement will be maintained until further notice. Thank you for your cooperation. Chinese Language Centre

30 Apr, 2020

Self-Learning Unit Faculty of Humanities

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