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Dr. Fridolin Ting and AMA UGC T&L PALMS Project garner prestigious Educational Awards

28 Dec 2020

The Department congratulates Dr. Fridolin Sze Thou Ting and his team of UGC Teaching and Learning Pedagogic and Active Learning Mobile Solutions (PALMS) Project for winning 2 prestigious educational awards in 2020. Further to garnering a number of international educational awards last year, Dr. Ting and his project team are once again recognized for their contributions to innovations in STEM tertiary education. Please visit for details of the PALMS project.

Gold Award, Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award, eLearning Forum Asia 2020-2021

Dr. Fridolin Ting won the Gold Award of Exemplary Teaching and Learning Award presented by eLearning Forum Asia (eLFA) 2020-2021. The result was announced on the 15th eLFA held virtually on 7 – 8 December 2020. This award is set for championing best practices in effective use of pedagogically driven technology for teaching and learning. Please refer to for the full list of winners.

Commenced in 2006, eLFA is a non-profit organization registered in Hong Kong. It organizes annual forums to advance knowledge of the use of information technology in teaching and learning. Three eLFA awards, Community Outreach Award, Exemplary Teaching Award and Technology Innovation Award, are set to formally recognize and reward exemplary practices among the eLearning communities, and further enhance sharing of experiences. For details, please visit

Bronze Award in the category of ‘Science of Learning’, Reimagine Education Awards 2020-2021

AMA’s PALMS project received Bronze Award in the ‘Science of Learning’ category, Reimagine Education Awards 2020-21. The awards in this category are given to the projects that most successfully furthers scientific, humanistic and critical theoretical understanding of learning, engages in the design and implementation of learning innovations, and consequently improves instructional methodologies. The winners were announced during the live ceremony on 9 December 2020. Known as the ‘Oscars of Education’, the Reimagine Education Awards reward innovative approaches that enhance student learning outcomes and employability.

This year, there were 1,400 applications and more than 200 independent judges. After 5 rounds of judging, PALMS project won a Bronze Award and it was the only awardee among the 5 shortlisted PolyU projects this year. For details, please visit

Research Units Department of Applied Mathematics

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