Dear Staff and Students,
We would like to share the following message on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) from Department of Health about Government makes Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation and Government tightens compulsory quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong who have stayed in United Kingdom.
Health, Safety and Environment Office
Updated information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Government makes Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation and Government tightens compulsory quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong who have stayed in United Kingdom
Allowing members of the public to be administered with safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines is crucial to the resumption of the normal ways of life in Hong Kong. The Government has published the Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation (Cap. 599K) (the Regulation) in the Gazette, which empowers the Secretary for Food and Health (SFH) to, based on the objective clinical data of a COVID-19 vaccine (including third phase clinical research data), with reference to the expert advice of an independent advisory panel and having regard to the approval given by a regulatory authority in a place outside Hong Kong that performs the function of approving pharmaceutical products (including emergency use), authorise and allow the specified use of the relevant COVID-19 vaccine in Hong Kong under the emergency situation. To ensure that authorised COVID-19 vaccines approved for specified emergency use under the Regulation still adhere to the requirements of safety, efficacy and quality, the authorisation by the SFH must be premised on objective clinical data and experts’ views, and complemented with a mechanism for monitoring any adverse event that occurs to the recipient associated with the administration of the relevant vaccine. The member list of the independent advisory panel is at Annex.
For authorised vaccines approved for emergency use in accordance with the Regulation, members of the public will be clearly informed of the relevant information in relation to the vaccine before vaccination, and the vaccine must be administered with the recipient’s informed consent. To facilitate the above arrangement, the Government will provide the latest information on the relevant vaccines through different channels at appropriate juncture, in order to enable members of the public to receive accurate information with respect to the relevant vaccines.
Moreover, a new virus variant with higher transmissibility is spotted in the UK and certain European countries. In view of the expert advice that the incubation period of virus carried by very few infected persons may be longer than the quarantine period of 14 days, as precautionary measures, the Government has amended the legislation to allow flexibility in lengthening the compulsory quarantine period for persons arriving at Hong Kong from a certain place (to a maximum of 28 days), and lengthening the period for a certain foreign place in which persons who arrive at Hong Kong have stayed before the arrival for determining the quarantine and boarding requirements under the relevant Regulations (to a maximum of 28 days), taking into account the needs of infection control.
The SFH has exercised the power under the newly amended Regulations to make relevant specifications. Effective from 0.00am on December 24, all persons who have stayed in the UK for more than two hours on the day of boarding or during the 21 days before that day are not allowed to board for Hong Kong; Persons arriving at Hong Kong (either via the airport or land boundary control points) who have stayed in the UK on the day of arrival at Hong Kong or during the 21 days before that day have to undergo compulsory quarantine for 21 days in designated quarantine hotels.
As for persons who arrived at Hong Kong during the period of December 2 to December 23, 2020, if they have stayed in the UK and are placed under compulsory quarantine in Hong Kong (including the quarantine orders issued under Cap. 599E or Cap. 599C), they still have to undergo testing at the Community Testing Centre or the designated quarantine hotel on the 19th or 20th day following their arrival at Hong Kong, and also stay at their place of residence, private premises or the place of quarantine specified on the quarantine order according to the compulsory testing notice made under Cap. 599J by the Government.
For more details, please refer to the press release and the Annex:
Government makes Prevention and Control of Disease (Use of Vaccines) Regulation
Government tightens compulsory quarantine requirements for persons arriving at Hong Kong who have stayed in United Kingdom
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We would like to solicit your support to disseminate the information to your colleagues, work associates and/or business partners so that they could adopt proper preventive measures. Thank you very much for your support.
Department of Health
政府訂立《預防及控制疾病(使用疫苗)規例》及 政府加強對曾逗留英國的抵港人士的強制檢疫要求