MicroSystems Technology Centre

Principle Investigator
Professor KL Yung, BBS
Research Areas: Control and Automation, Precision Engineering, CIM
E-mail: kl.yung@polyu.edu.hk
Prof. HC Man
Research Areas: Materials Technology, Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Laser Materials Processing Technologies
E-mail: hc.man@polyu.edu.hk
Prof. KC Chan
Research Areas: Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Processing of Advanced Materials, Technology Forecasting and Assessment
E-mail: kc.chan@polyu.edu.hk
Prof. LC Chan
Research Areas: Advanced Sheet Metal Processing, Precision Tooling Systems, Rapid Prototyping, Laser Materials Processing
E-mail: lc.chan@polyu.edu.hk
Prof. Sandy To
Research Areas: Ultra-precision Machining Technology, Materials Science
E-mail: sandy.to@polyu.edu.hk
Dr. CY Chan
Research Areas: Control & Automation, Warehouse Management and Materials Handling
E-mail: cy.chan@polyu.edu.hk

A first bottom-up high precision plastic micro-Injection moulding machine which helps the miniaturization of products and producing high precision micro plastic parts such as micro-sims, micro-pumps, micro nozzle, medical parts, micro lenses and optical connectors. Other machines only attempt to reduce the size of conventional designs while our machine adopts a revolutionary upward Injection design eliminating the air entrapment problem and the need for shutoff valves that restricts melt flow. There are four servos each at the four corners of the mould clamping to automatically adjust clamping pressure for minimum mould distortion. Two linear motors are used to propel the plastic into the mould giving unmatched acceleration and precision well below milligram level. The precision is further enhanced by real-time pressure signature analysis to account for any valuations. The mechanical design is simple with mechatronic control for future performance optimization through software upgrades.
Special Features and Advantages
- Adaptive vertical mould clamping - assures effective mould closure
- Upward injection - avoids air entrapment
- High acceleration / deceleration of injection speed - allows precision melt flow and volume controls
- Valve-less plasticizer – eliminates material degradation
- Simple mechanical design - allows future improvement through software upgrade
- Menu-driven servo control
This invention is designed to produce precision micro components such as micro switch and sensor for automotive industry, Inkjet printer nozzle for computer industry, hearing aids or implants for biomedical industry, micro lens for optics industry, gear wheel, latches and micro transmission for watch industry.
- Gold Medal 35th International Exhibition of Inventions New Techniques & Products, Geneva (April 2007)
In response to the increasing product miniaturization and the corresponding needs for micro/miniature parts, the ability to manufacture highly complex, 3-dimensional micro-parts in high volume at much cheaper cost by micro injection molding technique has been a subject of investigation and research over the last decade. Recognizing this trend and supported by the ITF, the ISE department of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University has in early 2004 set up a Microsystems Technology Centre (MSTC) to investigate and develop advanced micro molding technologies of benefits to the local industry. MSTC is a member of the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Centre of the ISE Department that offers a wide range of services and end-to-end solutions to the local manufacturing industry.
- To attract interests on micro molding technologies;
- To set up a member network and a forum for exchange of ideas and knowledge;
- To undertake pre-competitive R&D projects of benefits to the local industry.
Areas of interests include:
- Micro injection molding machine
- Micro mold design
- Micromachining
- Polymeric material
- Micro inspection and measurement
- Micro part handling and assembling
Target Members:
- Micro components or products manufacturers
- Linkage industries
- Optical, electronic, telecommunication and biomedical industries
Member's Benefits:
- Networking between business counterparts
- Access to news and publications
- Share of knowledge through seminars or workshops held
- Access to Centre's facilities (at special discount)
- Access to training and consultation services
- Collaborations on R&D projects to the needs of industry
Activities organized will be funded partly by the ITF and partly by the member's subscription.
For further information or to give your company technological advantages and benefits, please contact:
Matthew F.Y. Kwan
Micro Molding Interest Group
Microsystems Technology Centre
Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tel: 2766 7428
Fax: 2364 6509
Email: fy.kwan@polyu.edu.hk
Professor K.L. Yung, BBS
Sir Sze-yuen Chung Professor in Precision Engineering
Chair Professor of Precision Engineering
Director of Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations
Associate Head of Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
+852 2766 6592
Dr. Matthew F.Y. Kwan
+852 27667428
Room P-112, Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering,
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University