Subject Syllabi

- ISE1BN03: The Belt and Road Initiative: Opportunities and Challenges
- ISE1D01: Learning for a Sustainable Future
- ISE1D02: Renewable Energy for A Sustainable World
- ISE1001: Basic Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics for Efficiency and Effectiveness in Daily Life
- ISE1002: Basic Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics: From Data to Decisions
- ISE204: Instrumentation and Product Testing
- ISE246: Introduction to Logistics Engineering
- ISE247: Fundamental of Enterprise Systems
- ISE2001: Introduction to Enterprise Computing
- ISE2002: Instrumentation and Automation Systems
- ISE2105/IC2105: Engineering Communication and Fundamentals
- ISE2121/IC2121: Appreciation of Manufacturing Technologies
- ISE2122: Control and Automation
- ISE2123: Design and Manufacturing Group Project
- ISE2126/IC2126: ERP Advanced
- ISE2127/IC2127: Computer Proficiency Training
- ISE2129/IC2129: Computer Tools in Resources Planning and Analysis
- ISE2170/IC2170: Appreciation of Manufacturing Processes and Metrology
- ISE2S02. ISE2S02S: Comprehending and Overcoming Learning Hurdles in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) for Local Schools
- ISE306: Tool Design
- ISE318: Industrial Engineering Techniques and Methods
- ISE328: Technology and Applications of Electronic Business Systems
- ISE330: Product Safety and Reliability
- ISE369: Quality Engineering
- ISE373: Packaging and Storage Technology
- ISE374: Logistics Facility Design
- ISE375: Enterprise Systems Modeling and Design
- ISE376: Entrepreneurship and Innovation
- ISE386: Integrated Design for Manufacture
- ISE3001: Operations Research I
- ISE3002: Planning of Production and Service Systems
- ISE3004: Systems Modeling and Simulation
- ISE3005: Knowledge Management Systems & Applications
- ISE3006: Materials and Processes Selection
- ISE3007: Integrated Product Engineering Project I
- ISE3009: Aviation Safety and Reliability
- ISE3010/IC383: Integrated Aviation Systems Project
- ISE3011: Applied Quality and Reliability with AIDA
- ISE3012: Introduction to Aviation Industries
- ISE3013: Data Management in Aviation Industries
- ISE3014: Warehousing Technologies and Management
- ISE3015: Applications of Operations Research in Aviation
- ISE3016: Aviation Safety and Security Management
- ISE3017: Applied AIDA in Operations Research and Management
- ISE3018: Logistics Automation
- ISE3019: Industrial Control Systems and Their Applications
- ISE3020: Introduction to Aviation Management
- ISE3021: Warehousing Technologies and Operations
- ISE3103/IC3103: Integrated Project
- ISE404: Total Quality Management
- ISE418: Computer-Aided Product Design
- ISE430: New Product Planning and Development
- ISE431: Engineering Costing and Evaluation
- ISE445: Capstone Project
- ISE448: Production Logistics
- ISE449: Mobile Technologies for Logistics Systems
- ISE450: Simulation of Logistics Systems
- ISE457: Business Process Management
- ISE460: Logistics Information Management
- ISE461: Green Legislation and Supply Chain Logistics
- ISE4001: Integrated Capstone Project
- ISE4003: Automation Technology
- ISE4004: Enterprise Resources Planning
- ISE4005: Eco-design and Manufacture
- ISE4006: Integrative Studies in Enterprise Systems and Management
- ISE4008: Individual Project
- ISE4009: Advanced Manufacturing Technology
- ISE4014: Aircraft Service Engineering and Logistics
- ISE4015: Airport Logistics Engineering
- ISE4018: Company Attachment
- ISE4022: Fleet and Flight Management
- ISE4024: Robotics and Automation Systems
- ISE4025: Enterprise Analytics
- ISE507: Simulation of Industrial Systems
- ISE512: Warehousing & Material Handling Systems
- ISE518: Workflow Design and Management
- ISE525: Global Operations and Logistics Management
- ISE526: Enterprise Resources Planning
- ISE527: Logistics Information Systems
- ISE529: Dissertation
- ISE538: Process and Performance Management
- ISE542: Managing Knowledge
- ISE543: Methods and Tools for Knowledge Management Systems
- ISE544: Supply Chain Management Enabling Technologies
- ISE548: Risk and Crisis Management
- ISE549: Management of Innovation and Technology
- ISE550: Contemporary Logistics Issues in China
- ISE559: Technology Audit and Assessment
- ISE5001: Technology Transfer and Commercialisation
- ISE5002: Field Study of Technology Organisations
- ISE5003: Dissertation (TM)
- ISE5018: Intellectual Property Management and Strategies
- ISE5019: Optimization Modeling and Applications
- ISE5021: Technology Project Management
- ISE5022: Financial Decision Analysis for Technology Management
- ISE5026: Technology Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Practice
- ISE5301 Frontiers in Industrial 4.0
- ISE5311 Advanced Manufacturing Processes
- ISE5312 Industrial Human-Robot Systems and Automation
- ISE5321 Cyber-Physical Industry 4.0 Systems
- ISE5322 Industrial Metaverse and Mixed Reality
- ISE5323 Smart Product-Service Systems
- ISE5331 Optimization and Data Analytics for Industry 4.0
- ISE5332 Smart Manufacturing Operations Management
- ISE5333 Industrial Blockchain and Applications
- ISE5601: Managing and Measuring Intellectual Capital
- ISE5605: Knowledge Communities
- ISE5606: Business Intelligence and Data Mining
- ISE6602: Advanced Materials Processing Technologies
- ISE6605: Industrial Logistics Information Systems
- ISE6606: Seminars I
- ISE6607: Seminars II
- ISE6608: Seminars III
- ISE6609: Seminars IV
- ISE6610: Practicum I
- ISE6611: Practicum II
- ISE6701: Systems Transformation and Analysis
- ISE6702: Global Operations Strategy
- ISE6703: Performance Management Systems and Design
- ISE6704: Strategic Lean Management (Study Trip)
- ISE6705: Technological Innovation and Strategy (Study Trip)
- ISE6839-41: Guided Study in Industrial and Systems Engineering I/II/III