Netshape Manufacturing Technology Unit

- Promote and Introduce the Technology
- Consultancy
- Feasibility Study
- Production and Installation
- Assist in sourcing Funding and securing Application
- Assist in carry out heavy-duty super-high pressure hydroforming test
- Assist in carry out pilot fabrication of different metal sponges
- YXLON FF35 CT computed tomography system
- 2500 tons huge-duty super-high-pressure hydroforming system (PUG-2500)
- 4-axis CNC engraving machine
- CREPOW Classtig 200AD Welding Machine
- Self-developed 3-in-1 bike frame tester
- 30 tons manual-type hydraulic press
- Self-developed drop fall impact tester
- 160 Ton AIDA-Japan Cold-forging Mechanical Press
- 160 Ton OMERA-Italy Double Action Hydraulic Press
- 250MPa Hydroforming Attachment with Computer-controlled Console
- Desktop Hydroforming Testing Unit
- Computer-controlled Gas Pressure Bugling Tester
- Overhauled Hille Swift Forming Tester
- 100 kN MTS Uniaxial Tensile Machine (temporary located at CD003)
- Carbolite-UK High Precision Heating Ovens
- Induction Heater
- FLIR Thermovision System for Temperature Distribution Measurement
- High-Temperature PL Controllers
- PLC Enhanced Gear-profile Rolling Machine
Research areas & activities
- Tube and Sheet Hydroforming
- Sheet and Bulk Forming
- Fine Blanking
- Formability Prediction, Damage Modeling and Process Simulation
- Laser Processing and Die Casting
- Precision Tooling and Progressive Stamping
- Profile Rolling
- Special Forming Equipment Design and Manufacture
Selected journals and conference papers within recent 5 years:
- Xianzheng Lu and LC Chan, "Numerical Simulation for Thermal and RT Forming Light Sheet Materials Using a New Combined Model of M-K Theory and Shear Localization Criterion". The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 83, No. 1 (2016), pages 357-363
- XZ Lu and LC Chan, Micromechanics-based damage model for failure prediction in cold forming, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 690 (2017), pages 120-131
- LC Chan, Non-destructive testing for microstructure assessment in applied research and development, in YXLON CT user conference 2016, Hamburg, Germany, 26-27 Oct 2016, YXLON International GmBH (Oct 2016)
- LC Chan and XZ Lu, "Multiscale Analysis of Deformation in Metal Damage Prediction", The 23rd International Conference on Plasticity, Damage, and Fracture, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 3-9 Jan 2017, NEAT PRESS, Maryland, USA, pages 61-63 (Jan 2017) ISBN 978-0-9911654-6-9(print)
- LC Chan, XZ Lu, KM Yu, Multiscale Approach with RSM for Stress–strain Behaviour Prediction of Micro-void-considered Metal Alloy, Materials & Design, Vol. 83 (2015), Pages 129-137
- TF Kong, LC Chan, Prediction of Multipreform Shapes in Warm Forming with Experimental Verification, JOM, 2015, 67(2): 436-449.
- SS Wong, LC Chan, CP Lai, WY Ip, LH Chau, In-vitro and In-vivo Degradation Evaluation of Mg-based Alloys for Biomedical Applications, Journal of Material Science and Technology Research, Vol. 1, no. 2 (2015), Pages 1 – 9
- CP Lai, LC Chan, Finite-element Modelling of Thermal Forming of Ti-TWBs with Experimental Verification, Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 626 (2015), Pages 518-523.
- LC Chan, CP Lai, LH Chau, WY Ip, Biocompatibility Study of Magnesium-based Metal Sponge, Proceeding of the 9th International Conference on Porous Metals and Metallic Foams (Metfoam 2015), page 218, 31 Aug-2 Sept 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
- SS Wong, WY Ip, LC Chan, CP Lai, In vivo Study on the Biodegradation Behaviours of Mg-Based Alloys for Orthopaedic Application, Proceeding of the 27th European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2015), 30 Aug-3 Sept 2015, Krakow, Poland
- XZ Lu, LC Chan, Construction of Representative Volume Element for FE Simulation of Bulk Deformation of Stainless Steel Using X-Ray Computed Tomography Approach, TMS2015 Supplemental Proceedings, Pages 485-490, 15-19 Mar 2015, Orlando, USA.
- LC Chan, Net Shape Forming Technologies for Gear Profile Rolling and High-Strength Tube Hydroforming, Proceeding of the BIT 4th Annual World Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM2015), Page 301, 27-29 May 2015, Chongqing, China
- XZ Lu, LC Chan, Data Acquisition in 3D Tomography for Multiscale Microstructure Model Construction under Uniaxial Compression, MS&T2015 Supplemental Proceedings, Pages 561-566, 4-8 Oct 2015, Ohio, USA.
- TF Kong, LC Chan, Bulk-Forming Simulation of Bimetallic Watchcase Components, JOM, Vol. 66, no. 10 (2014), Pages 2145-2155.
- LC Chan, XZ Lu, Material Sensitivity and Formability Prediction of Warm Forming Magnesium Alloy Sheets with Experimental Verification, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, Vol. 71, no. 1-4 (2014), Pages 253-262.
- LC Chan, CP Lai, SS Wong, WY Ip, Corrosion and Hydrogen Evolution Improvement of Biodegradable Mg-based Alloy for Orthopedic and Implant Applications, 2nd International Conference on BioTribology (ICoBT 2014), 11-14 May 2014, Toronto, Canada (Electronic version)
- SS Wong, CP Lai, WY Ip, LC Chan, Zin’s role in Mg-Zn-Mn Alloys for Orthopedic Applications, 2014 Annual Meeting of the Society for Biomaterials, 16-19 Apr 2014, Denver, CO (Electronic version)
- LC Chan, XZ Lu, Numerical Simulation on Forming Behavior of Magnesium Alloy at Elevated Temperatures with Experimental Verification. Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 677 (2013), Pages 179-182.
- LC Chan, TF Kong, Numerical Simulation and Experimental Study on Profile-rolling Process for Micro-teeth Components, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 677 (2013), Pages 252-255.
- CP Lai, LC Chan, Microstructural Analysis of Stress Relieving on the Thermal Deformation Behaviors of Titanium Tailor-welded Blanks, Advanced Materials Research, Vol. 677 (2013), Pages 169-172.
- LC Chan, Numerical Determination of Sheet Metal Forming Limit Based on a New Combined Model of M-K Theory and Shear Localization Criterion, Advanced Materials Research, Vol 330 (2013), Pages 821-825.
- WKR Kot, LC Chan, Determination of Loading Paths in Warm Hydroforming Reinforced Quadrilateral Tubular Components, Materials and Manufacturing Processes, Vol. 29, no. 1 (2013), Pages 32-36.
- WKR Kot, LC Chan, In-Process Visualisation for Deformation Monitoring and Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming Processes, Advanced Materials Research, Vol 677 (2013), Pages 384-387.
- LC Chan, KM Au, KM Yu, FEM-CT Integrated Design for Multiscale Damage Analysis of Hydroformed Magnesium-based Alloy Tubular Product, NDT & E International, Vol. 56 (2013), Pages 38-47.
- CP Tsui, CY Tang, HY Wang, LC Chan, Damage Prediction of a Graded Porous Biocomposite Implant Using the Finite Element Method, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Damage Mechanics, Pages 293-296, 25-27 Jun 2012, Belgrade, Sebrian.
Ir. Prof. L. C. Chan (Unit Director and Lab-in-charge)
Tel: (852) 2766 6634
Fax: (852) 2362 5267
Dr. T. F. Kong (Project Associate)
Tel: (852) 2766 6573
Fax: (852) 2766 6771
Dr. C. P. Lai (Project Associate)
Tel: (852) 2766 6614
Fax: (852) 2766 6771