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HKIE MI Division Gala Dinner

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HKIE MI Division Gala Dinner


MILESAA was invited to join the HKIE - MI Division Gala Dinner.



Date 25 April 2019 (Thursday)
Time 19:00 - 22:30 pm
Venue Club One, Shop 61-66
G/F, Building 12W
Hong Kong Science Park
19:00 - 19:30 Networking
19:30 - 19:35 Welcome speech by Ir Dr Ritz LAU, Chairman of HKIE - MI Division
19:35 - 19:40 Opening speech by Ir Dr Hon WK LO, SBS, MH, JP
Legislative Councilor for Engineering Constituency, HKSAR
19:40 - 20:05 Keynote speech by WK LEE
Executive Director dum Group CEO
ASM Pacific Technology
20:05 - 20:15 Presentation of sourvenirs / Group photos
20:15 - 21:15 Dinner starts
21:15 - 21:20 Thank you speech by Ir Dr Eric LIU
OC Chairman cum Deputy Chairman of HKIE - MI Division
21:20 - 22:30 Dinner continues
22:30 Dinner ends






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