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Industrial 4.0 Education Forum

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Industrial 4.0 Education Forum


Industry 4.0 Education Forum is the flagship event of HKIE-MI Division. The objective of the Forum is to nurture future talents for Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing in Hong Kong.  The rise of new digital industrial technology, known as Industry 4.0, is a transformation that makes it possible to gather and analysis data across machines, enabling faster, more flexible, and more efficient processes to produce higher-quality goods at reduced costs. This manufacturing revolution will increase productivity, shift economics, foster industrial growth, and modify the profile of the workforce—ultimately changing the competitiveness of companies and regions.

We will invite distinguished speakers from Hong Kong Science Park, universities and tertiary institutions to share their knowledge and knowhow in Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing. How we nurture future talents for the industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing? Can Hong Kong industry benefit from Industry 4.0 and smart manufacturing? Definitely, we should find insights through the Industry 4.0 Education Forum.



Date 25 April 2019 (Thursday)
Time 13:30 - 17:30 pm
Venue CKK Auditorium, Hong Kong Science Park
Language English, supplemented with Cantonese
Fee Free of Charge
Programme Rundown
13:30 Registration

Opening Speech

Ir Ringo SM YU
President, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers

Speech by Guest of Honor

Ir Dr Hon LO Wai-Kwok, SBS, MH, JP
Legislative Councilor for Engineering Constituency

  Sourvenir presentations, Group photos

Speaker 1: Ir Dr HL YIU
Head of Advanced Manufacturing, HKSPT

"What does i4.0 and re-industrialization in HKSTP mean to Startups?"


Speaker 2: Ir Dr Eric LIU
Deputy Executive Director, Vocational Training Council

"Nurturing Talents for Industry 4.0: A Vocational and Professional Education and Training (VPET) Perspective"


Speaker 3: Chair Prof George GO HUANG
Department Head of Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering, HKU

"Digital breakthrough towards Next-Generation Smart Manufacturing Systems"

15:30 Coffee Break

Speaker 4: Prof Keith KC CHAN
Department Head of Industrial & Systems Engineering, PolyU

"Enhancing Competences for Future Engineers in Industry 4.0 and Training (VPET) Perspective"


Speaker 5: Prof Chuangyin DANG
Ag Department Head of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, City U

"Manufacturing, Data and Optimization"


Speaker 6: Prof KF WONG
Associate Dean (External Affairs), Faulty of Engineering, CUHK
Director, Centre for Innovation and Technology, CUHK

"Relationship between AI and Human"

"Hong Kong Institution of Engineers Engineering and Industrial Division Period Program"


Panel Discussion, Moderator: Ir SC HO
Past Chairman of Manufacturing & Industrial Division, HKIE

Speakers: Ir Dr HL YIU, Ir Dr Eric LIU, Chair Prof George GQ HUANG, Prof Keith KC CHAN, Prof Chuangyin DANG, Prof KF WONG

17:30 Closing Speech: Ir Dr Ritz LAU
Chairman of Manufacturing & Industrial Division, HKIE
17:40 End of Forum






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