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Basic Members

  • All graduates who completed a formal course of study in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University or its predecessors shall be admitted to Basic membership of PolyU MILES Alumni Association Limited (MILESAA)
  • All graduates who completed the Integrated Graduate Development Scheme that is jointly organized by the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University and the University of Warwick shall be admitted to Basic membership of the MILESAA.


Student Members

  • All undergraduate or post-graduate students of the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University shall be admitted to Student membership of the MILESAA.  Upon graduation, Student Members shall be admitted to Basic Members.


Membership Subscription

Student Member Free
Basic Member Free



MILESAA members will automatically become members of the Federation of the Hong Kong Polytechnic Alumni Association Limited (FHKPUAA / the Federation).  A Federation Card will be prepared and sent by FHKPUAA within 8 weeks by ordinary mail, upon applying the membership via the designated link.


Application Procedure


Basic Member Student Member
 Online application, please complete the application procedure and upload the necessary documents through Federation website via below link or scan the QR code. Online application, please complete the application form via below link or scan the QR code
 MILESAA Online Application QR MILESAA Student Membership Application QR
 If the applicant could not receive the Federation Card 8 weeks after their application, please contact Federation Office at (852) 2766 5123.  A new Federation Card will be re-issued by Federation Office to the applicant if the undelivery is proved to be mailing failure.  If the applicant fails to notify Federation Office about lost card or non-receipt of the card within the said period, they shall pay HK$20 as an administration fee to the Federation Office to re-issue a new Federation Card.  






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