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Two ISE Members honored with PolyU Patents Achievement Award 2023

9 Jul, 2024

Staff Achievement

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ISE innovations honoured internationally at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

28 Jun, 2024

Research | Staff Achievement


Dr Pai Zheng Shares Insights on AI Technology and Human-robot Collaboration at AI for Good Global Summit 2024

7 Jun, 2024



Dr Pai Zheng Honored with 2024 SME Outstanding Young Manufacturing Engineers Award

7 Jun, 2024

Research | Staff Achievement

Joint Career Talk of Aviation Programmes

15 Apr, 2024

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ISE students awarded the Champion Team in 2024 Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition & Workshop

27 Mar, 2024

Student Achievement


Welcome to Dr. LAU and his Students from the University of Miyazaki

17 Jan, 2024


ISE PhD student won the outstanding paper award in the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management (IEEM) 2023

17 Jan, 2024

Student Achievement | Research


ISE PhD student is honored with the Best Student Paper Award at the 2023 International Conference on Electric Vehicle and Vehicle Engineering (CEVVE)

30 Nov, 2023

Student Achievement


ISE PhD student achievement in the 2023 IEEE ITSS Student Competition in Pedestrian Behavior Prediction

20 Nov, 2023

Student Achievement


ISE PhD student won the Champion Award at the HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division “CA Paper Award Competition (Postgraduate level) 2022/23

6 Nov, 2023

Student Achievement


ISE graduates won the Champion Award at the HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division “CA Paper Award Competition (Undergraduate level) 2022/23

6 Nov, 2023

Student Achievement

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1st Place Winner in the 6th European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management(IEOM)

6 Nov, 2023

Student Achievement


Opening Ceremony of IET-PolyU Mentorship Programme 2023/24

6 Nov, 2023



香港理工大學與萊茵科斯特簽約共建智能製造聯合實驗室 PolyU and Rhein-Köster Setup a Joint Laboratory in Smart Manufacturing

31 Oct, 2023

Staff Achievement


Mentoring the Next Generation: PolyU Scholars Guide High School Students in Developing a Metaverse Virtual Environment in the Junior Research Mentorship Program

5 Sep, 2023

Staff Achievement


Ms Cadence Law, PEM alumni received the Brilliant Innovation and Technology Talent Award

25 Jul, 2023

Student Achievement


Two LEM students participated in the 11th International Logistics Case Workshop & Competition

14 Jul, 2023


ISE graduates won the Champion and Merit Awards in the Industrial and Systems Engineering Management Student Project Competition 2023

14 Jul, 2023

Student Achievement


ISE innovations honoured internationally at the 48th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva

4 May, 2023

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE scholar honoured the National Disruptive Technology Contest by Ministry of Science & Technology

4 May, 2023



Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering 2023

27 Apr, 2023

Student Achievement


ISE student won Innovation and Technology Scholarship 2023

27 Apr, 2023

Student Achievement


PolyU Industrial Engineering Ranked Top 1 in Hong Kong and Top 19 in the World

14 Apr, 2023


Joint Career Talk of Aviation Programmes

4 Apr, 2023



Career Talk for LEM and EEM Programmes

31 Mar, 2023



ISE graduate received the IET-Hong Kong Merit Award of Young Woman Engineer 2022

9 Mar, 2023


PolyU and The Fire Services Department collaborate on research for indoor positioning technology 理大與消防處合作研究室內定位技術

4 Jan, 2023



Novel Nano Multi-Ring Incorporated Defocus Spectacle Lens to Slow Down Myopia Progression

15 Dec, 2022



Mainland government's awards to PolyU and Prof. KL Yung

1 Dec, 2022

Staff Achievement


PolyU Scientist Dr Ren Jingzheng Wins the 2022 APEC Science Prize for Innovation, Research and Education

1 Dec, 2022

Staff Achievement | Research


RAIDS Student Team won Gold Award in The 8th China International College Students’ ”Internet+” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition. RAIDS學生團隊獲得第八屆中國國際大學生“互聯網+”創新創業大賽

1 Dec, 2022

Student Achievement

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Presentation of Outstanding Alumni Awards of PolyU ISE Department and FENG

28 Nov, 2022

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Ranked 5th among World Universities in Industrial & Manufacturing Engineering

24 Nov, 2022


ISE Alumni Homecoming Day successfully held for alumni to mingle

12 Nov, 2022



PolyU and Institute of Engineering and Technology sign MoU to enhance experience sharing with mentors

9 Nov, 2022

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RAIDS students won the Student Innovation Gold Award in the “Hong Kong ICT Awards 2022”

12 Oct, 2022

Student Achievement

Students from EEM and LEM programmes received 2nd Place Winner in Undergraduate Research Competition and Simulation Competition of 5th European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

6 Oct, 2022

Student Achievement


ISE students Ms. Kwok Hin-Chi and Mr. Li Chengxi from RAIDS Team have won the 2022 Champion Award (Bachelor/Sub-degree Level) of HKIE CA Paper Award Competition

2 Sep, 2022

Student Achievement


85A Alumni Tourcation - Traversing the New Arenas of Industrial and Systems Engineering

23 Jul, 2022



ISE students won the 1st Runner-up and Best Innovative Solution in 2022 Hong Kong Logistics Case Competition & Workshop

9 Jun, 2022

Student Achievement


Camera Pointing System for China’s Lunar Exploration Missions (Chang'e 3 and 4) honoured at 2022 Inventions Geneva Evaluation Days

9 Jun, 2022

Staff Achievement | Research


RAIDS Team Won the Second Prize in the “8th Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition (第 8 屆香港大學生創新及創業大賽)"

8 Jun, 2022

Student Achievement

Top 50 Global AI Young Chinese Scholars by Baidu Academic

Dr Pai Zheng was selected as one of the Top 50 Global AI Young Chinese Scholars 華人青年學者榜 (AI+X) as released by Baidu Academic

20 May, 2022

Staff Achievement


ISE student was awarded the Third Prize at the 2021 International 3D Printing Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition

13 May, 2022

Student Achievement

The HKIE LTD  Best Student Papers Awards 2021

ISE student won the HKIE Logistics and Transportation Division (HKIE LTD) Best Students Papers Awards 2021

27 Apr, 2022

Student Achievement


State Key Laboratory of Ultra-precision Machining Technology featured on RTHK TV programme

12 Apr, 2022

Staff Achievement

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RIAM partners with Allite on alloy R&D 先進製造研究院與鼎泰國際開展ALLITE超級鎂合金研究項目

25 Mar, 2022

Staff Achievement


Outstanding Alumni Award of PolyU Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering

3 Mar, 2022

Student Achievement

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ISE graduates won the 1st runner up, 2nd runner up, and Merit Award in the Industrial System Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2021

11 Jan, 2022

Student Achievement

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PolyU and University of Maryland from the US, jointly established the Centre for Advances in Reliability and Safety (CAiRS) Combining AI and innovative technologies to improve product safety and system reliability 理大聯同美國馬里蘭大學(UMD)共同設立產品可靠性暨系統安全研發中心 CAiRS)揉合AI及創新技術提升產品安全及系統可靠性

29 Dec, 2021

Research | Staff Achievement

KM Award 2021

Congratulations to Dr Eric Tsui on receiving the Knowledge Management Award 2021

7 Dec, 2021


Congratulations to Dr Eric Tsui and Dr Carman Lee on receiving the Platinum Award in the Best Pandemic response ELearning design of the 2021 LearnX Live! Award

17 Nov, 2021

Staff Achievement


Secondary school students receiving awards in the 3D Hologram Design Competition

12 Nov, 2021


ISE students won the merit award in the Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport in Hong Kong (CILTHK) Student Day competition 2021

26 Jul, 2021

Student Achievement


ISE graduates won the 2nd runner up in the Industrial System Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2020

Mr Wing Hong Lee and Mr Wenqiang Li graduated from the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering won the 2nd runner up in the Industrial System Engineering Management Innovation Project Competition 2020, which is jointly hosted by the Institute of Industrial & Systems Engineers (IISE), and the Hang Seng University of Hong Kong.

28 Jun, 2021

Student Achievement


13 Members Ranked in World's Top 2% of Scientists by Citations

7 Jun, 2021

Staff Achievement | Research


PolyU contributes to the Nation’s first Mars mission with multidisciplinary research 理大跨學科專家貢獻國家首個火星探測任務

Two research teams at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) contributed to the Nation’s first Mars exploration project Tianwen-1. By harnessing their extensive experience in the field of aerospace science and technology, as well as their commitment to research excellence, PolyU researchers played a vital role in the Tianwen-1 mission, in collaboration with the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST). Professor WU Bo helped identify possible landing regions with advanced topographic mapping and geomorphological analysis technologies. Professor YUNG Kai-leung developed a sophisticated space instrument, the “Mars Landing Surveillance Camera (Mars Camera)”, for capturing images of the surroundings of the Red Planet and monitoring the status of the Zhurong Mars rover.

22 May, 2021

Staff Achievement | Research


World University Rankings 2021 of the University

World University Rankings 2021 of the University

20 May, 2021


Establishment of the University Research Centre for Deep Space Explorations (UDSE) 深空探測科研中心

3 May, 2021

Establishment of the Research Institute for Advanced Manufacturing (RIAM) 先進製造研究院

3 May, 2021


PolyU-made space instruments complete lunar sampling for Chang’e 5 (理大研發太空儀器成功為嫦娥五號完成表土採樣)

8 Dec, 2020

Research | Staff Achievement


Event News: Technical Seminar "Digitalization and Quality Management"

28 Nov, 2020



PolyU develops space instruments for the Nation’s first lunar sample return mission (理大為國家首個月球採樣返回任務研發太空儀器)

25 Nov, 2020

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE graduates won the Champion at the HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division “CA Paper Award Competition (Postgraduate level) 2019/20”

27 Oct, 2020

Student Achievement | Research


Students from the BSc (Hons) Scheme in Logistics and Enterprise Engineering win gold with education project on personal finance

20 Jul, 2020

Student Achievement


Advanced laser manufacturing to enhance protection of surgical masks and N95 respirators against COVID-19

13 Jul, 2020

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE graduate won the HKIE LTD - Best Student Papers Awards 2019

18 May, 2020

Student Achievement


ISE graduate won 1st runner up in Classified Post Hackathon 2019

2 Mar, 2020

Student Achievement


ISE won the “Equipment and Machinery Design Award” in the 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Industries (HKAI)

5 Dec, 2019

Staff Achievement


ISE graduate won the “Best Retail Innovation Concept Award” in Hong Kong Retail Innovation Award 2019

10 Oct, 2019

Student Achievement


ISE won the “Media Choice Innovation Award” in Hong Kong Retail Innovation Award 2019

4 Oct, 2019

Staff Achievement


Research team develop VR systems for medical purposes

26 Aug, 2019

Staff Achievement | Research


ISE student received 2nd Runner Up Award in the “HKIE – MI Student Project Competition 2018-19” by HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial (MI) Division

14 Aug, 2019

Student Achievement


ISE student won the second place of the IEOM Undergraduate Research Competition Award in the 3rd European International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

12 Aug, 2019

Student Achievement | Research


Congratulations to Prof. Eric Tsui on receiving the Excellence Award on ELearning by the World Education Congress

26 Jul, 2019

Staff Achievement


ISE Students won the Champion and 2nd Runner-up Award in “2019 International Joint Design Workshop” by Tianjin University

24 Jul, 2019

Student Achievement



由香港理工大學工業及系統工程學系主辦,維期7個月的Product design Makethon 全港中小學產品設計大賽2018-19於5月25日正式圓滿結束. 是次比賽吸引超過100間中小學校共300多支隊伍報名參與, 反應熱烈. 題目貼近生活所需, 分別為環保或節能產品,穿戴科技及衛生保健或復康產品, 讓各位同學根據興趣發揮所長

17 Jul, 2019



ISE Students won the 1st-Runner Up Award in the “HKIE – MI Student Project Competition 2018-19” by HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial Division

16 Jul, 2019

Student Achievement


3rd University Summer Youth Programme with (co-organized with UNESCO HK 香港聯合國教科文組織協會)

15 Jul, 2019



ISE Research Student won the Outstanding Award in the “CA Paper Award Competition 2018/19 – Postgraduate level” co-organized by HKIE CAD and InstrMC Hong Kong Section

20 May, 2019

Student Achievement | Research


ISE Students won the second place in “Young Engineers Programme 2018/2019” by HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial Division

20 May, 2019

Student Achievement


ISE innovations honoured internationally at the 47th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (ISE科研揚威日內瓦國際發明展)

26 Apr, 2019

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE team have developed a smart warehousing system to meet the needs of Industry 4.0

4 Apr, 2019

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE student won the Recognition of Excellence in 2019 HUAWEI CLOUD AI Developer Contest

1 Apr, 2019

Student Achievement


ISE student won 1st runner up in Hackathon 2018 organized by Classified Post in association with Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks

28 Feb, 2019

Student Achievement


ISE won the 2018 HK Awards for Industries - Equipment and Machinery Design Certification of Merit

1 Feb, 2019

Research | Staff Achievement


PolyU provides multi-disciplinary support to the nation’s historic landing on the far side of the Moon 理大動員跨學科專家支持國家歷史性登陸月背任務

12 Jan, 2019

Research | Staff Achievement


Celebrating success: ISE won the ‘Gold Award’ and ‘Outstanding Automation Award’ in The 8th Hong Kong Innovation Technology Achievement Awards Ceremony 2018

13 Dec, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement


PolyU develops state-of-the-art tool and technology to support the nation’s lunar probe 理大研發先進儀器和尖端技術支持國家的月球探測項目

12 Dec, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement

Congratulations to Prof. Eric Tsui on scooping LearnX Impact Awards

3 Dec, 2018

Staff Achievement


ISE won the "Gold Award" and "Excellent of Automation Invention Award" in the Asia International Innovation Invention Award and Exhibition 2018

8 Nov, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement

ISE participated in Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2018 (Autumn Edition) to promote Industry 4.0 and Smart Logistics Technologies

24 Oct, 2018

Research | Event


ISE student won the champion of CILTHK Logistics & Transport Student Final Year Project Award 2018

27 Sep, 2018

Student Achievement


ISE Students won the 1st CILTHK Short Video Competition, “Tell you in 3-minute”

27 Sep, 2018

Student Achievement


ISE students received the CILTHK Kerry Logistics Scholarship 2017/2018

27 Sep, 2018

Student Achievement


Prof. Eric Tsui speaking at the Blackboard Teaching & Learning Conference Asia 2018 in Singapore to share his thoughts on 21st century learning environment

6 Sep, 2018



PolyU and the China Academy of Space Technology to jointly develop a Mars camera for the nation’s first Mars probe (理大與中國空間技術研究院合作研製火星探測器的「落火狀態監視相機」)

22 Aug, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement


Congratulations to ISE RFID team on winning the second place of the IEOM Poster Presentation Competition Award in the 2nd IEOM European Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management

3 Aug, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement


Congratulations to ISE RFID team on winning the Outstanding Paper Award in the 12th International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (ICOSCM 2018)

18 Jul, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement

(Event News) Technical Seminar: Case Study of Manufactory Optimization Projects

6 Jul, 2018



2ISE students won the 2nd Runner-up and Merit Award in the HKIE MI “Student Project Competition Presentation 2017/18”

27 Jun, 2018

Student Achievement

ISE PhD student won the Champion at the HKIE Control, Automation & Instrumentation Division “CA Paper Award Competition (Postgraduate level) 2017/18”

27 Jun, 2018

Student Achievement | Research



全港中小學產品設計大賽2017-2018 Product Design Makeathon

27 Jun, 2018



(Event News) Technical Seminar: Vocational Qualification Pathway-Dialogue with CEO

16 Jun, 2018



ISE student won the 2nd Runner-up and Merit Award in the “Challenge Cup” National Competition — Hong Kong University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition 2018

31 May, 2018

Student Achievement


ISE innovations honoured internationally at the 46th International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva (ISE科研揚威日內瓦國際發明展)

16 Apr, 2018

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE takes part in the HKTDC International ICT Expo (15th Edition) to Promote Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies.

16 Apr, 2018



ISE students won the Second Runner-up in CILTHK Student Day 2018

9 Apr, 2018

Student Achievement


Media Interview on the Development of Re-industrialization in Hong Kong

28 Mar, 2018


Congratulations to ISE knowledge management team on receiving The Best Paper Award at the International Conference on Business Excellence, Romania

23 Mar, 2018

Staff Achievement | Research | Student Achievement


Prof. Eric Tsui receives the “Global Knowledge Management Leadership Award 2018”

28 Feb, 2018

Staff Achievement


首間大學推出「工業4.0 」網上公開課程 First university launches a Massive Open Online Course on Industry 4.0

27 Feb, 2018



Talk on STEM in our Space Exploration and Wealth Creation (STEM 在太空探索及創富)

19 Jan, 2018



ISE student won the best paper award at the 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computing, Communication and Devices

10 Dec, 2017

Student Achievement | Research


全港中小學產品設計大賽2017-2018 (Hong Kong Product Design Makeathon)

4 Nov, 2017



ISE student won the Champion and the 2nd Runner-up at the Supply Chain and Logistics Management Innovation Project Competition 2017 and the Final Year Project Competition 2016-2017

3 Nov, 2017

Student Achievement

ISE student won the Peer Recognition Award and Project Nomination Award of ASM Technology Award 2017

30 Oct, 2017

Student Achievement


ISE student won the Gold Prize in the HKEIA Innovation & Technology Project Competition for Students of Electronic Engineering or Related Engineering Fields 2017

13 Oct, 2017

Student Achievement


ISE took part in Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2017 (Autumn Edition) to Promote Industry 4.0 and Industrial Internet of Things (IoT) Technologies

13 Oct, 2017



ISE student won the champion of CILTHK Logistics & Transport Student Final Year Project Award 2017

3 Oct, 2017

Student Achievement

ISE students received the CILTHK Scholarship 2016/2017 and CILTHK Kerry Logistics Scholarship 2016/2017

3 Oct, 2017

Student Achievement


Awards for PolyU ISE Department’s innovative pedagogies

3 Oct, 2017


ISE student won the Champion of HKIE Manufacturing & Industrial Division Student Project Competition 2016-2017

2 Jun, 2017

Student Achievement




13 May, 2017


ISE is partnering with University of Potsdam (Germany) on developing an Industry 4.0 MOOC (Massive Open Online Course)

4 May, 2017


ISE student won the championship in HKIE 2017 Essay Competition “Green Transportation Logistics Transportation in Horizon – 2020”

27 Apr, 2017

Student Achievement


ISE 協助香港科技園公司建立大中華區首個智能倉庫綜合解決方案

7 Apr, 2017



Manufacturing Forum 2017: The New-Generation Entrepreneurs and Successors of Manufacturing Industries

25 Mar, 2017



ISE Student develops the most energy-efficient LED filament lamps (ISE學生研發最省電 LED 燈絲燈)

8 Mar, 2017

Research | Staff Achievement | Student Achievement

ISE received the Outstanding Professional Service Awards 2016

14 Feb, 2017

Research | Staff Achievement

ISE won the 1st runner-up in the Most Favourite PolyU Research News of 2016

16 Jan, 2017

Research | Staff Achievement


ISE offers new Bachelor programme in aviation

11 Jan, 2017

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