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Academic Advising at PolyU


Academic advising is considered as a developmental process through which students are assisted, guided, supported and empowered to identify their academic and personal goals, develop plans and strategies to achieve them, and evaluate the outcomes of their own planning. It helps students connect to the university community and utilize the expertise and resources available for academic, professional and personal success.

Let’s see how our Academic Advisors enjoy their role in academic advising.

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The policy and guideline on Academic Advising at PolyU are stipulated in LTC 42/A4 (Revised August 2022)
    Checking Student Advisees’ Information
    Academic Advisors are encouraged to check their student advisees’ background before the advising meeting via eAcademic and/or Student Lifecycle Management Platform (SLMAP) so as to give appropriate advice. In particular, the SLMAP provides comprehensive information which can facilitate the advising process.
    Academic Advising Record Keeping
    Documentation is required for all advising meetings in which important and/or relevant information is discussed or delivered. Advising meetings including those conducted face-to-face, online, via phone, email, other electronic media. Documentation is a crucial element of quality advising. Keeping proper and timely records of interactions with students is essential for the following reasons:
    • Provide an overview of the student’s progress and assistance provided
    • Refresh Advisor’s memory prior to return visit and help when planning next steps
    • Increases Advisor’s efficiency by focusing on key issues rather than revisiting the all the information
    • Communicate information to other University personnel if necessary
    Currently, Academic Advisors can keep the advising record via eAcademic or use the advising record templates designed by OUS. Academic Advisors can also use the format(s) adopted by their home departments if necessary.
    General guide for documentation
    Documentation should include appropriate details and the date of the interaction, as below:
    • Issues raised
    • Goals and outcomes of the meeting
    • Advice/Recommendations made
    • Agreed follow­ up actions
    Academic Advisors should also pay attention to the following:
    • Use general and objective language based on facts
    • Be as clear, concise, complete, and professional as far as possible
    • Avoid using acronyms, abbreviations, and jargon as far as possible
    • Do not evaluate, judge or include your personal opinion or assumption
    • Consult a supervisor or colleague(s) when you are not sure about what information to include in advising record
  • There will be regular training workshops/briefing sessions for Academic Advisors to facilitate the implementation of academic advising at PolyU.
  • The e-learning course, “Theory and Practice of Academic Advising”, contains informative contents including the concepts, values, goals and importance of academic advising and the necessary knowledge and skills for conducting academic advising for students. Academic Advisors can access the course on Blackboard.

Under LTC42/A4, all new Academic Advisors should attend the “Introduction of Academic Advising Training Workshop” and at least 50% of Academic Advisors within each School/ Department should complete the e-learning course “Theory and Practice of Academic Advising” on Blackboard in an academic year

To prepare and support Academic Advisors in playing their advising role, four videos on major advising issues are available:

  • Advising First-Year Students
  • Icon_Advising_First-year_Students

  • Advising Non-local Students
  • Icon_Advising_Non-local_Students

  • Advising SEN Students
  • Icon_Advising_SEN_Studens

  • Advising Students on Academic Probation
  • Icon_Advising_Students_on_Academic_Probation

These videos aim to serve as a reference for Academic Advisors to understand major advising issues and prepare for advising students.

If you have any questions about the videos, please feel free to contact us at 3400 8203 or email at 


Staff are welcome to contact the designated Undergraduate Studies Support Officers for information on GUR and student advising.

Undergraduate Studies  Support Officer Email Telephone Department / School
Ms Christine Chan 3400 8239 APSS, BEEE, BRE, CEE, ISE, LMS, LSGI
Ms Rhonda Cheung 3400 8205 AF, CBS, CC, ENGL, HTI, ME, SO
Ms Polly Chiu 3400 8183 AAE, BME, COMP, MM, RS, SD, SHTM
Miss Janet Lam 3400 8244 ABCT, AMA, AP, EEE, FSN, SFT, SN

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