RILS & NBUIS Joint Public Lecture: Urban Ecological Security and Green Development
09 Dec 2024
Research Institute for Land and Space (RILS); Research Centre for Nature-based Urban Infrastructure Solutions; China Harbour – PolyU Joint Research Centre for Land Development; PolyU-Yangjiang Laboratory Joint Research Centre for Offshore Wind Power of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
15:00 - 16:00
Prof. Xiangrong WANG
Director and Distinguished Professor
Centre for Urban Eco-Planning & Design
Fudan University, China
Presentation Title
Urban Ecological Security and Green Development
Based on the ecological security assessment of international metropolises such as London, New York, Hong Kong, Shanghai and others, this report analyzes and expounds from three aspects: 1. Origin and connotation: Ecological security of metropolises from a global perspective; 2. Exploration and cognition: Low-carbon development model of international metropolises under climate change; 3. Paths and countermeasures: Paths and countermeasures of urban green development based on NbS model.
Full Programme Rundown
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