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PolyU Chinese Culture Festival 2024 - Artwork Exhibition co-organised with Tiangong University

28 Mar 2024

A group photo with the leaders of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Tiangong university and artists from Tianjin.

Dr LAM Tai-fai, Chairman of PolyU Council (3rd from left), Dr Lawrence LI Kwok-chang, Deputy Chairman of PolyU Council (3nd from left), Prof. Jin-Guang TENG, President of PolyU (2nd from right), Prof. Ben YOUNG, Vice President (Student and Global Affairs) of PolyU (1st from right), Prof. LI Ping, Dean of the Faculty of Humanities, PolyU (1st from left), Ms SHEN Jiang, Party Committee Secretary of Tiangong University (3rd from right) and Dr ZHENG Yong, Professor of Tiangong University (centre) at artwork exhibition. The lacquerware in the middle is a souvenir made by Dr Zheng Yong.

The seminar delivered by Dr ZHENG Yong was related to Chinese lacquerware.

Dr ZHENG Yong was explaining the details of the artwork to the visitors from Faculty of Humanities, PolyU.

Dr ZHENG Yong was teaching the participant at the workshop.

To promote and enhance awareness and appreciation of China's rich cultural heritage among youngsters, PolyU is organising a Chinese Culture Festival in 2024, which is also one of the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of PolyU’s renaming.

The Festival is set to launch a series of events from March 2024, covering different art forms and themes. The first event featured a 2-week-long artwork exhibition organised by PolyU and co-organised by Tiangong University's International Innovation Center of Chinese Traditional Culture and Artistry Inheritance. Eight artists from Tianjin displayed their masterpieces. They included the artwork from Prof. Zheng Yong's Studio’s lacquerware; Three unique intangible cultural heritages of Tianjin (Clay Figurines Zhang, Kite Wei, and Yucheng Hao New Year Paintings); Hezhen Homemade Incense; painted pottery from the Guanzhao Xuan; Zhao’s Gourd-making; and Tianjin Musical Instrument Zhang. These masterpieces showcase the exquisite beauty and value of Chinese culture. During the exhibition period, a number of guided tours were held and over 2000 visitors, including PolyU staff, teachers, students and the public, came to visit the exhibition. A number of media from mainland China and Hong Kong were also attracted to the exhibition for interviews. In addition to the art exhibition, PolyU also organized expert lecture and a series of workshops related to traditional Chinese art, which were well received by PolyU staff, teachers, students and the public.


Read More (Written in Chinese): PolyU Chinese Culture Festival related news

 Date  Media  Headline  Link
 14/03/2024  Xinhua Net  香港理大舉行中華文化節 提升年輕人家國情懷  Link
 14/03/2024  China Daily

 香江海河共文脈 紫荊月季並蒂開——


 15/03/2024  天津日報  傳世絕活實力圈粉津門非遺作品亮相香港  Link
 15/03/2024 Sing Tao Daily   理大辦中華文化節展「甌繡」「泥人張」彩塑  Link
 15/03/2024  Ta Kung Pao  「理大中華文化節」首展天津傳統技藝  Link
 15/03/2024  Wen Wei Po  理大辦中華文化節 升港青家國情懷  Link
 01/04/2024  Ta Kung Pao  「理大中華文化節」陶冶漆器展現融合之美  Link

Press Contacts

Ms PANG Wai-yin

Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture

Press Contacts

Ms Carmen LAW

Research Centre for Chinese History and Culture

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