The RCSV-SO Joint Distinguished Lecture on “Visual Cues Controlling Myopia and Emmetropization” by Prof. Frank Schaeffel was held on 27 July 2022. It attracted around 220 online registrants, including optometrists, practitioners, academic staff and students from 19 countries and regions.
Prof. Schaeffel is a Senior Professor and Section Head of Neurobiology of the Eye and Institute for Ophthalmic Research, University of Tübingen, Germany. The lecture was moderated by Dr Thomas Lam, member of the Research Centre for SHARP Vision, Associate Head and Associate Professor of School of Optometry, PolyU.
Prof. Schaeffel shared an encompassing overview of myopia control. He pointed out that myopia is largely controlled by visual input. Although we still cannot completely understand the biological mechanisms of myopia, a promising area of research is to develop optical stimulation protocols that can non-invasively inhibit myopia. They include changes in illuminances, spectrally confined light sources, modifications of chromatic aberration, changes in the balance of ON/OFF pathways stimulation, adding multiple focal planes and adapting the spatio-temporal patterns imaged in the periphery of the retina. In the last part of the lecture, he introduced the development of lenses for myopia control, from traditional spectacle to multifocal lenses.
The audience raised questions enthusiastically during the Q&A Session. The audience well received the distinguished lecture.