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A paper of RISE members published in “Cell Reports Physical Science” has received wide attention of scientific media

On 18 October 2023, the Prof. Shengwei Wang and two young members (Yinbo Zhang, the first author, and Hangxin Li) from the BEAR team in RISE and BEEE of PolyU published a research paper titled "The global energy impact of raising the space temperature for high-temperature data centres" in the journal ‘Cell Reports Physical Science’   After the online publication of this paper, it is immediately reported by many renowned scientific news outlets including EurekAlert, ScienceDaily, NewScientist, Techxplore, EurasiaReview, and Mirage News, etc. EurekAlert reported this paper as ‘How to build greener data centers? Scientists say crank up the heat’. Meanwhile, many other famous science news media also reprinted this report, such as, the website of the American Physicists' Organisation.   Cell Reports Physical Science, published by Cell Press, is a broad-scope, open-access journal that publishes high-quality and cutting-edge research across the spectrum of the physical sciences, including chemistry, physics, materials science, energy science, engineering, and related interdisciplinary work.   EurekAlert! is the world's largest, most authoritative and nonprofit news-release distribution platform covering all areas of science, medicine and technology, operated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). AAAS was the first permanent organization to promote science and engineering nationally and to represent the interests of American researchers from across all scientific fields. It is the world's largest general scientific society, with over 120,000 members, and is the publisher of the well-known scientific journal Science. Up to now, EurekAlert! has more than 14,000 registered reporters from more than 90 countries. More than 5,000 active public information officers from 2,300 universities, academic journals, government agencies, and medical centers are credentialed to provide new releases to reporters and the public through the system.   The original media report of EurekAlert! is attached below. How to build greener data centers? Scientists say crank up the heat  Colder is not always better for energy-hungry data centers, especially when it comes to their power bills. A new analysis says that keeping the centers at 41°C, or around 105°F, could save up to 56% in cooling costs worldwide. The study, publishing October 10 in the journal Cell Reports Physical Science, proposes new temperature guidelines that may help develop and manage more efficient data centers and IT servers in the future.   “The cooling system accounts for over one-third of the data center’s total energy consumption, so many studies talk about reducing the energy consumption of cooling systems,” says senior author Shengwei Wang of the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. “But rather than finding better ways to cool the data centers, why not redesign the servers to operate at higher temperatures?”   Data centers typically operate at temperatures between 20–25°C (68–77°F) today. The conventional cooling systems that maintain these centers work by pulling computer-generated hot air past water-chilled coils to cool down the air before it cycles back to the space. The heated water then enters either chillers or a process called free-cooling before circulating back to the coils. Unlike energy-intensive chillers that operate similarly to air conditioners, free-cooling uses ambient air to cool the water with much less energy use.   To save energy, data centers are often built in colder areas to leverage free-cooling. But thanks to advances in electronic technology, engineers and scientists know that it’s no longer necessary to blast the chiller-based air conditioning at data centers. Many IT servers already allow a higher temperature operation above 30°C (86°F). This means that in most climates, including those that are hotter, data centers can also benefit from free-cooling by raising the temperature of data centers.“The question is, to what temperature?” says Wang.  To find out, Wang and his team built a model based on the conventional cooling system and simulated the system’s operation under different climate conditions. The results showed that data centers in almost all regions across climate zones could rely nearly 100% on free-cooling throughout the year when operated at 41°C, which they coined “global free-cooling temperature.” These data centers could save 13%–56% of energy compared to those that run at 22°C (71.6°F). Depending on an area’s temperature and humidity, the researchers say that data centers might not even need to raise the temperature that far to take full advantage of free-cooling. For example, the temperatures for Beijing, Kunming, and Hong Kong to entirely rely on free-cooling are 39°C (102.2°F), 38°C (100.4°F), and 40°C (104°F), respectively.   “But before we raise the temperature settings, we need to ensure three things,” says Wang. “First, we need to ensure the reliability of server operation. Second, the computational efficiency needs to remain the same. Third, we need to ensure the servers’ energy consumption is not increased by activating their built-in cooling protection, such as the fans.” That said, Wang is optimistic that it is possible for the next generation of servers to work at up to 40°C without performance degradation.   “For the first time we can provide cooling system engineers and server design engineers a concrete goal to work towards,” says Wang.“I think 41°C is achievable in the near future. We’re only 10°C (18°F) or less away.”   Paper link: EurekAlert report link: Links of other reports:    

20 Oct, 2023

Falling Walls 2023 Finalist for the Science Breakthrough of the Year_Dr Bolong HUANG

Dr Bolong HUANG has been selected as a finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2023

We are delighted to share with you that Dr Bolong HUANG, our RISE member has been selected as a finalist for the Falling Walls Science Breakthroughs of the Year 2023 in the category Engineering and Technology.   Dr Bolong HUANG Anocatalysts for broad carbon-strategic applications of sustainable energy   Falling Walls aims at seeking international recognised, established academics and leaders in the practical application of science and mathematics to daily life, whose works contributing in solving the global challenges.   Congratulations to Dr Huang! Read more:

16 Oct, 2023

Dr Dahua SHOU

Dr Dahua SHOU awarded The Fiber Society’s 2023 Distinguished Achievement Award

Recently, Dr Dahua SHOU, our RISE member and Limin Endowed Young Scholar in Advanced Textiles Technologies, and Assistant Professor in the School of Fashion and Textiles awarded The Fiber Society’s 2023 Distinguished Achievement Award. The Fiber Society is a not-for-profit professional and scientific association, dedicated to the advancement of knowledge pertaining to fibers, fiber-based products, and fibrous materials. And this Distinguished Achievement Award is presented to those individuals who are under the age of 40, for recognizing  the significant contributions in Fiber Science. Field. Furthermore,  it aims at stimulating continuing commitment to the science, engineering and technology of fibers and fiber based products.  It is a recognition for Dr Shou’s significant researches, highlighting his outstanding and innovative achievement in his research! Congratulations to Dr Shou!

10 Oct, 2023

Dr Bolong Huang

Research Story of Dr Bolong HUANG

Dr Bolong HUANG, our RISE member, Associate Professor in the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology shared his research story. Through this Story, you can be more familiar with Dr Huang and his research! Come and join us to discover more about Dr Huang! Reference: Read more:

3 Oct, 2023

Unveil liquid metal microelectrodes for implantable bioelectronic devices

Professor Zijian ZHENG unveils liquid metal microelectrodes with soft, stretchable and permeable properties to be used for implantable bioelectronic devices

We are delighted to announce that Prof. Zijian ZHENG,our RISE Management Committee member have a significant research finding regarding to energy materials. This paper is published in Science Advances. Title: Wafer-patterned, permeable, and stretchable liquid metal microelectrodes for implantable bioelectronics with chronic biocompatibility For more detail, please refer to Reference: Press release: English -; Chinese -   Online coverage: Hong Kong Economic Journal - Oriental Daily News - Hong Kong Economic Times - Sing Tao Daily - Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po - Hong Kong Commercial Daily - Hong Kong China News Agency - Line Today -

22 Sep, 2023

Prof Zhao XU

Prof. Zhao XU is awarded with Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2023

We are pleased to announce that our RISE Management Committee member, Professor Zhao XU is awarded with Key Program of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2023! Project PI: Prof. Zhao XU He is the professor of the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the directors of Power System Laboratory and Smart Microgrid Laboratory, the deputy of CSG-PolyU Joint Institute for the Green and Secure Power Grid, and the Chairman of IEEE Hong Kong Section. Prof. Xu has edited one monograph and published more than 150 scientific papers in top international journals and conferences. His research achievements have been awarded the First Prize of Natural Science by the Ministry of Education, and the Gold and Bronze Awards at the International Exhibition of Inventions of Geneva. Project tittle: Low-Carbon Smart Operation of Integrated Energy System Considering Multi-energy Flow Trading Mechanism, Interaction Model and Decision-making Algorithm under Complex Time-Space Coupling Environment Project Description: The ‘dual carbon’ target spurs the smart integrated energy system’s participation in the multi-market joint transaction of the electricity and carbon emission markets. However, the large-scale integration of renewable energy will bring great uncertainty to the optimal operation of the smart integrated energy system. To this end, this project intends to investigate the critical technologies for the low-carbon smart operation of the integrated energy system on multi-energy flow transaction mechanism, interaction model, and decision-making algorithm under a complex time-space coupling environment. First, conduct in-depth research on the demand response mechanism, peer-to-peer power trading mechanism, and multi-agents carbon trading mechanism from the perspective of multi-energy complementarity to establish a multi-market trading mechanism for the interconnected integrated energy systems to achieve low-carbon operation; Second, determine the impact of multi-temporal and spatial complex coupling and multi-agents game interaction in multiple markets to establish a multi-temporal and spatial coupling integrated energy system optimization model to hedge against the influence of multi-agents complex interaction to ensure the safe and stable economic operation of the system and improve the proportion of renewable energy. Third, an efficient collaborative optimization algorithm for integrated energy system transactions and operations based on model and data fusion driven is proposed to achieve solid technical support for efficient energy management. Finally, a simulation platform is built that integrates transaction mechanisms, optimization models, and management decision-making algorithms to promote the realization of the goal of carbon neutrality. Congratulations to Professor Xu! Reference: Media Release:          Online coverage: Ta Kung Pao - Wen Wei Po -  

14 Sep, 2023

Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award

Our RISE Associate Director Prof. Wai-yeung WONG Raymond is awarded Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award from the Ministry of Education

We are pleased to announce that our RISE Associate Director, Professor Wai-yeung WONG Raymond, Dean of Faculty of Science, Chair Professor of Chemical Technology and Clarea Au Professor in Energy at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) is awarded Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Award from the Ministry of Education for his significant research in organic photovoltaic materials! Awarded Project: Alkylthio Side-Chain Engineering of High-Performance Organic Photovoltaic Materials This project was jointly conducted by researchers from Soochow  University, Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Hong Kong Baptist University, which was recognized the Second-Class Award in Natural Science. Prof. WONG said, “This award is an important affirmation of our research achievements. It inspires us to keep working hard on our research journey and striving to innovate with research that makes a great contribution to the community.” Prof. WONG’s research focuses on  the design and synthesis of molecular functional materials and metallopolymers with photofunctional properties and energy functions. The research team aims to develop sustainable energy sources and improve technologies for energy conversion, contributing to sustainable development. The Higher Education Outstanding Scientific Research Output Awards (Science and Technology) were set up by the Ministry of Education to recognise outstanding research projects at tertiary institutions nationwide. The award is presented to individuals or units who have made remarkable contributions in science and technology advancement, translational research and talent cultivation. Congratulations to Professor Wong!   Reference: PolyU Media Release: Weixin:

28 Aug, 2023

Prof Meng NI

Prof. Meng NI is awarded RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme 2023/24

We are pleased to announce that our RISE member, Professor Meng NI is awarded RGC Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) 2023/24! This scheme aims at providing sustained support and relief from teaching and administrative duties to exceptionally outstanding researchers, to facilitate their full dedication to research and development and help universities attract and retain research talent. Professor Ni’s project “Protonic ceramic fuel cells for clean power generation: From new cathode materials to new stack designs” is awarded with a fellowship grant of around HKD$7.8M. Characterised by their high efficiency and low emission, protonic ceramic fuel cells (PCFCs) are power sources that promise to replace conventional thermal power plants. Despite this, the practical performance of a PCFC stack remains limited due to high energy at the cathode and the non-uniform distribution of reactants in a traditional PCFC stack. The project adopts both the trial-and-error and machine learning-based approaches to facilitate new cathode material development. Through multi-physics modelling and optimisation techniques, unconventional stack designs, including several nature-inspired stack configurations, will be evaluated for PCFC. The research integrates engineering, chemistry, physics and material science to address the complex challenges of using PCFC for clean power generation. Congratulations to Professor Ni! Reference: PolyU Media Release:

26 Jul, 2023

Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission_Dr Hangxin LI

Young RISE member, Dr. Hangxin Li, awarded a major research grant of RMB 5.1M from Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission

We are pleased to share that Dr. Hangxin LI, our young RISE member and Research Assistant Professor of Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE), was awarded the Dual-Carbon Fund from Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission (深圳科技創新委員會可持續發展科技專項-雙碳專項). The total funding amount of the project is RMB 5.1 million, including 1.1 million of industrial matching.    The project is led by our RISE young member, Dr. Li as the Project Coordinator (PC), in collaboration with Shenzhen University and Shenzhen Institute of Building Research. The key members of PolyU team also include Prof. Shengwei WANG and Prof. Fu XIAO, as Co-PIs, from RISE and the Department of Building Environment and Energy Engineering (BEEE). The project aims at developing and demonstrating the energy efficiency and flexibility technologies for buildings in high-density cities to support the achievement of Carbon Neutrality goal in the GBA. The main objectives of the project include: (i). to develop system optimization technologies of buildings for enhanced energy efficiency and flexibility, (ii). to develop online optimal control technologies for energy efficiency and flexibility management of buildings, and (iii). to implement and demonstrate the system optimization and control technologies developed.   Congratulations to Dr Li!    

23 Jun, 2023

Prof Gang LI

Prof. Gang LI’s research team achieve record 19.31% efficiency with organic solar cells

We are delighted to share with you that Professor Gang LI, our RISE Associate Director research team have a significant achievement – Achieving record 19.31% efficiency with organic solar cells. They invented a novel OSC morphology-regulating technique by using 1,3,5-trichlorobenzene as a crystallization regulator. This new technique boosts OSC efficiency and stability. It was published in Nature Communications in March 2023. For more details, please refer to Online coverage: News AZI - Oriental Daily News - Hong Kong Economic Journal - Line Today - Hong Kong China News Agency - Toutiao - Baidu - The Independent - Yahoo UK - Newsbreak -

20 Jun, 2023

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