Integrated District Energy Systems
Integrated District Energy Systems
District energy systems (DESs) with multi-energy complementary integration is an effective approach to cope with the pressing global challenges of energy efficiency, flexibility, reliability and resilience. DESs can realize seamless integration and management of diversified energy systems and resources in a district or city, including distributed renewable generations, electrical power grids, distributed combined cooling heating and power (CCHP) generations, district cooling and heating systems (DCS & DHS), building energy systems, etc.
DESs contribute to high penetration of clean and renewable energy with significantly reduced carbon emissions, high efficiency and balance of energy production and consumption, and enhanced flexibility and resilience against various uncertainties and risks facing energy system planning and operations.

Smart Grid and Power Systems
Smart Grid and Power Systems
With growing penetration of substantial renewable energies, distributed generations and other emerging technologies, the future electric power system calls for smarter solutions to counterbalance the negative impacts while supporting more cooperative, responsive and organic operation. The need for research on Smart Grid technologies has been identified of strategic importance worldwide.
It is believed that future smart grid is a highly complicated system, involving systems with multilevel complexities and multi-physics. To enable the development and practical implementation, there are a large array of interrelated topics that demands intensive and cross disciplinary research efforts, including but are not limited to, novel grid control and operation architectures such as DECs, renewable technologies and associated grid integration solutions, smart meters and AI and big data applications.