The Hong Kong Polytechnic University School of Design (PolyU Design) is pleased to announce the recipients of the PolyU Design Outstanding Alumni Awards 2024. The awards aim to give recognition to outstanding graduates of PolyU Design for their professional achievements, active support to their alma mater, impactful contributions to the wider community as well as to uphold the highest values and standards in everything they do. Two award groups are introduced to celebrate alumni from different stages of life: The Distinguished Design Alumni of the Year and The Young Design Alumni of the Year. The judging panel for the awards was represented by Associate Dean Professor Peter Hasdell (Chairman), Professor of Practice Mr Benny Leong, the Former Chairman of the SD Alumni Association Ms Grace Lau, and PolyU Outstanding Alumnus Mr Dennis Chan, the Founder & Creative Director of Qeelin Limited.
2024 Distinguished Design Alumnus of the Year for Professional Achievement
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Mr Ed NG Chung Hong
Principal / Co-founder, AB ConceptBA in Design (Interior Design) in 1991
Upon graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Design (Interior Design) in 1991, Ed made the deliberate choice to pursue a career in hospitality design, driven by his keen interest in exploring cultures on a global scale. Prior to establishing his interior design powerhouse, AB Concept, with his partner in 1999, he strategically acquired valuable experience in design, architecture and development practices.
(K11 Musea, Hong Kong, 2019)
Ed passionately believes that good interior design revolves around the human experience and that a hospitality designer acts as a cultural partner. By incorporating their own tastes and know-how into interior designs, hospitality designers can create unique experiences that are rooted in local ingredients, such as culture and craftsmanship, thereby enriching the design narrative. “I consider myself incredibly fortunate to have grown up in Hong Kong, a city with an open-minded appreciation for diverse cultures”, Ed remarked. This upbringing laid a solid foundation for Ed’s curiosity and search for understanding in designing distinctive hospitality experiences that reflect his own artistic language.
(MEI LI - Grand Hyatt, Kuwait, 2022)
Ed leads a design team with bases in Hong Kong, Taipei, Kyoto, London and Milan that has undertaken top-tier hotel projects spanning different continents, such as the renowned Argo destination bar at the Four Seasons Hotel Hong Kong and the captivating W Algarve by W Hotels in the Algarve, Portugal. Other projects include the recently renovated lobby lounge at the Ritz-Carlton Tokyo and the iconic Italian restaurant Paper Moon located in the Raffles London at The Old War Office. The designer is presently involved in the design of the highly anticipated Rosewood Resort in the Red Sea and the Shangri-la Hotel in Kyoto. He also designs products for top luxury brands, such as Poltrona Frau and Tai Ping.
Since 2018, Ed has chosen to reside predominantly in the heart of the mountain forest in Karuizawa, Nagano, Japan, which allows him to focus on the creative aspects of his work and draw inspiration from the ever-changing beauty of nature. Recently, the private house that Ed designed for himself was featured in the New York Times’ T Magazine.
2024 Distinguished Design Alumnus of the Year for Professional Achievement
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Mr WONG Yuk Po Jacky
Founder and CEO, 3omethingchic GroupsBA in Design (Fashion with Visual Communication) in 2003
Jacky graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Design (Fashion with Visual Communication) in 2003. Following his multidisciplinary studies at the School of Design in the same year, Jacky was recruited by a Belgian brand that operates in multinational markets. Jacky later won the Top 10 Finalist Designers honour in the Hong Kong Young Designers’ Contest 2006.
After beginning his career in the Chinese market, Jacky was appointed Brand Director and Deputy General Manager of a Singapore-listed company and collaborated closely with top Asian artist Stefanie Sun. This company was recognised as a new force in the Chinese market.
(Fashion art Café in HuangPu World Expo District, 2023)
Jacky then established his own company, and his work has been recognised by various global companies and multinational brands due to the company’s input on various design formats, from brand strategy planning, merchandise design, and production to marketing and creative spaces. His clients include Coca Cola, Arena and the top guitar brand, Gibson, among others.

(The Carnaby, 2015)
In 2018, Jacky launched his own fashion/art lifestyle new retail IP, 3omthingchic or 3TC, which has created fashion/art lifestyle spaces in Shanghai, Suzhou, Hangzhou, Singapore and Tokyo. In 2022, Jacky was invited to create an NFT digital asset for Sanxingdui Ruins by the Intangible Cultural Heritage office for Sichuan Province, China and was also appointed as the office’s Creative Design Adviser. In 2023, Jacky was appointed as the Planner, Space Design Director, and Lifestyle Merchandise Designer and Producer for the Hong Kong Palace Museum’s cultural and creative product space in Beijing, China.
2024 Young Design Alumna of the Year for Entrepreneurial Achievement
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Ms Malou KO
Founder & Creative, THE CABINETBA in Design (Industrial & Product) in 2010
Malou is an international award-winning branding designer based in Hong Kong who graduated in 2010 with a BA in Design (Industrial and Product) from the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. In 2005, she launched THE CABINET design studio, where she has worked on more than 200 international and local projects with over 120 clients, including Standard Chartered, Cathay Pacific, Ralph Lauren, Sheraton, KEF, Nan Fung Group, The “Star” Ferry, Chubb and Starbucks, among others. Malou connects people through her designs.
(Nan Fung Group, In Time of Food Campaign Identity, Embracing rawness and originality, 2022, Hong Kong)
She has won more than 90 local and international design awards, including the Golden Pin Design Award, Creative Communication Award, Kyoto Global Design Awards, International Design Awards, London International Creative Competition, DNA Paris Design Awards, Grands Prix Du Design, Hong Kong Brand Design Awards, HKDA Global Design Awards and Hong Kong Smart Design Award. Malou was invited by the European Cultural Centre to exhibit at the Venice Design 2017. Her work has been described as pleasing, delicate and impactful.
(The "Star" Ferry, Star Symphony Campaign, Identity, Frames of collective moments, 2023, Hong Kong)
In 2020, Malou established her own lifestyle design brand, HumanKind. By exploring different human thoughts and reactions, she hopes to design humorous products that can bring happiness to people. HumanKind’s first design release, Wishes Plate, has won 10 design awards and has been featured in Marie Claire, Esquire and Art and Piece, among other publications, and is available from M+ Museum, Asia Society Hong Kong Center, JOYCE and Murray Hotel in Hong Kong, and from the Grand Lisboa Palace in Macau, Taiwan, and Yuu Oriental in Kobe, Japan.
2024 Young Design Alumna of the Year for Community Service Achievement
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Ms LEUNG Man Wai Comma
BA in Design (Visual Communication) in 2015
After graduating with a BA in Design (Visual Communication) from the School of Design at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University in 2015, Comma worked for famous design studios in Japan. In 2015, she founded Mosi Mosi, which aims to connect people through design, and began collaborating with diverse peoples to promote social inclusion.
(In:visible Wallet, 2015, Mosi Mosi)
Her achievements have been well recognised, as Comma has won awards in the fields of design and social enterprises, including the DFA (Design For Asia) Awards, Pentawards’ Silver Award, Golden Pin Design Award, Design for Asia Hong Kong Young Design Talent Award, Hong Kong Designers Association Hong Kong Best and Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge Champion and Best Social Mission. Her works have been showcased worldwide, including in Germany, Japan and Taiwan. Comma was featured in a documentary produced by NHK, the Japanese broadcasting company. She was also interviewed by Radio Sweden.
(The wheelchair bag, 2018, Mosi Mosi)
評審委員由理大設計副院長Peter Hasdell教授領導,成員包括實務教授梁清河先生、前理大設計校友會主席劉君璧小姐,及傑出理大校友Qeelin創辦人暨創作總監陳瑞麟先生代表。
2024年度傑出設計校友 — 專業成就
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伍仲匡先生(Ed NG)
伍仲匡(Ed) 於1991年畢業,當時對探索全球文化興趣特別濃厚,致力投身酒店設計。為了實現理想,伍氏累積了許多寶貴實戰工作經驗,先後效力酒店設計、建築師事務所和地產發展商,後於1999年與合作夥伴共同創立AB Concept。
(K11 Musea, Hong Kong, 2019)
伍氏堅信室內設計注重以人為本的體驗,而酒店設計師則肩負文化合作夥伴的重任。他深信設計師可以透過融入個人風格與專業知識,配合本地文化與工藝,在可用空間中娓娓道來獨特的故事,創造只此一家的體驗。 伍氏表示:「香港是中西交匯、海納百川的地方,我在這裡長大,學懂與這座成市一樣欣賞各式各樣的文化,實在非常幸運。」堅實的多元文化基礎,令伍氏保持好奇心,不斷尋根究柢並設計出風格與別不同的酒店體驗。
(MEI LI - Grand Hyatt, Kuwait, 2022)
他領導的設計團隊遍佈香港、台北、京都、倫敦和米蘭,參與了世界各地的頂級酒店與餐飲項目,作品包括香港四季酒店的知名酒吧Argo、葡萄牙阿爾加維海灘上迷人的W酒店及度假村、東京麗思卡爾頓酒店最近翻新的大堂,還有倫敦Raffles酒店集團旗下The OWO的意大利餐廳Paper Moon。伍氏的團隊現在正忙着設計位於紅海的瑰麗酒店度假村,與在京都二条城旁邊的香格里拉酒店。他近年也為Poltrona Frau 與Tai Ping等高端品牌在產品設計上合作。
伍仲匡於2018年後主要居於輕井澤的山林,這裡變化萬千的大自然美景不僅是靈感泉源,也令他更專注創作。 最近《紐約時報》的《T Magazine》也報道了他在山林裡親筆設計的私人大宅。
2024年度傑出設計校友 — 專業成就
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王玉波先生 (Jacky WONG)
(Fashion art Café in HuangPu World Expo District, 2023)
(品牌策劃:The Carnaby中國 – Pan Chic, 2015)
2024年度傑出年輕設計校友 — 企業成就
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高雅詩小姐 (Malou KO)
THE CABINET 創辦人及創意總監2010年設計學文學士(工業及產品設計)
高雅詩(Malou)是榮獲國際設計獎項的香港品牌設計師。她於2005年尚在香港理工大學就讀工業及產品設計時,已創立了THE CABINET多領域設計工作室。高氏深信設計能建立人與人的聯繫,多年來為超過120個品牌創作了超過200個國際及本地設計項目,合作品牌包括渣打銀行、國泰航空、Ralph Lauren、喜來登、KEF、南豐集團、天星小輪、安達人壽、星巴克等。
(南豐集團, 世界之約:在地餐桌, 2022)
高氏榮獲超過90個國際設計獎項,包括台灣金點設計獎、美國C2A、京都GDA、美國IDA、倫敦LICC、巴黎DNA Paris Design Awards、法國Grands Prix du Design、香港最佳設計品牌大獎、香港環球設計大獎、香港智營設計大賞等。她於2017年獲European Cultural Centre邀請於意大利威尼斯Venice Design展出畫作。她的作品被喻為細緻可喜及充滿感染力。
(天星小輪, Star Symphony Campaign, Identity, 2023)
高氏於2020年成立了自家設計品牌 HumanKind。她希望透過人際間的不同思維與反應設計出幽默和令人快樂的產品。HumanKind的第一件產品「Wishes Plate」囊括了10個設計獎項,不但廣獲《瑪利嘉兒》、《Esquire君子雜誌》、《美紙》等刊物報導,更於香港M+博物館、亞洲協會香港中心、JOYCE、美利酒店、澳門上葡京綜合度假村及日本發售。
2024年度傑出年輕設計校友 — 社會服務成就
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梁雯蕙小姐 (Comma LEUNG)
(視障銀包, 2015, Mosi Mosi)
梁氏屢獲國際設計及社會企業殊榮,包括 DFA亞洲最具影響力設計獎、比利時Pentawards包裝設計獎、台灣金點設計獎、HKYDTA 香港青年設計才俊獎、 HKDA Hong Kong Best與香港社會企業挑戰賽冠軍等。她的作品曾於德國、日本、台灣等地展出,更獲日本電視台 NHK人物紀錄片與瑞典電台傳媒專訪。
(輪椅袋, 2018, Mosi Mosi)
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