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Kin Wai Michael Siu
PolyU Scholars Hub

Kin Wai Michael Siu

Eric C. Yim Professor in Inclusive Design, Chair Professor of Public Design

Programme Coordinator (Servicing Programmes); Leader, Public Design Lab; Director, Joint-Research Center for Inclusive Environment (PolyU – Harbin Institute of Technology); Supervisor, Postdoctoral Research and PhD Studies

  • V1301d
  • +852 2766 5455
  • Expertise: Public Design, User Reception, Inclusive Design, Participatory Design, Public Design and Health, Design and Engineering Education


Kin Wai Michael Siu is Eric C. Yim Professor in Inclusive Design, and Chair Professor of Public Design. He is Founder and Leader of the first Public Design Lab (公共設計研究室), and Director of  Joint-Research Center for Inclusive Design (包容性環境聯合中心) of PolyU and Harbin Institute of Technology. He teaches design and engineering courses and supervises postdoctoral and PhD research. He is Coordinator of Design Research Methods for the university’s PhD students. He is a chartered designer (UK) and chartered engineer (UK). He was Fulbright Scholar at MIT, ASIA Fellow at NUS, and visiting scholar at the University of Cambridge and UC Berkeley. He is Visiting Chair Professor of the WHUT, and Visiting Professor of Tsinghua University, CAFA, GAFA and TAFA in China. He has been appointed to serve as a member of research grant bodies and accreditation councils. He is an editorial and advisory board member of design, engineering, humanities and education journals and book series.

Based on Vygotsky’s ZPD concept and Bruner’s scaffolding theory, he introduced the concept of 'Scaffolding Innovation' for design learning. He promotes inclusive and participatory designs. He leads public design projects that have a balance of consideration between creative design and technological application. He has obtained a number of external competitive research and project grants. His recent projects explore the inclusiveness of open spaces, playgrounds, country parks and recycling facilities. He is exploring inclusive public designs for minimising the transmission of COVID-19 and NID. He has provided social and consultancy services concerning industrial, product, engineering and environmental designs, intellectual property, and programme development and accreditation. He has received over 100 international design and invention awards. He is the sole holder of more than 50 US and international patents. He has published 25 books and monographs, and over 50 book chapters and 400 papers in leading journals.


Detailed Profile>>

Selected Publications>>


Education and Academic Qualifications

PhD, PhD, MSc, MA, FCP, MEd, BA(Hons)

Professional Qualifications


Teaching Area

  • Public Design
  • Design Research Methods








Siu, K. W. M., Lo, K. Y. A., & Wong, Y. L. (Eds.) (2021). Playful public design by children. Hong Kong: The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.


Siu, K. W. M., & Wong, Y. L. (Eds.) (2019). Practice and progress in social design and sustainability. (330 pages). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Siu, K. W. M., & Contreras, G. J. (Eds.) (2017). Design education for fostering creativity and innovation in China (283 pages). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Sustainability Ambassadors, 2015 (K. W. M. Siu)



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