Client and students discovering product ideas and revolutionary ways of working in a complex real-world challenge

In Multidisciplinary Project*, students in PolyU Design’s International Design and Business Management (ID&BM) strive to bring about creative solutions to meet emerging laundry needs the new generation in China.

The project was sponsored by IFF and supported by its executives from Utrecht and Shanghai, with Ms Michelle Wu, Director of IFF Shanghai Creative Center as the representative. Twenty-two students forming five teams divided the project into two phases, the research phase and the design phase, spanning thirteen weeks from February to May 2020.

The co-operative project lined up experts internal and external to achieve remarkable results. Guest speaker, Chee-Ngai Ng gave lectures on online research methodologies and conducting international research. Project tutors including Kevin DenneyDr William Liang, Justin Tsui, Terry Lam, Benny LeongDr Clifford Choy and Dr Sylvia Liu gave tutorials and lectures on presenting a business pitch and business planning & entrepreneurship.

Testimonial from our sponsor:

 “Other than the very difficult external environment, the project itself was a complicated one, not only involving IFF, but also our clients, and ultimately, the innovation needed to be considered useful by the users. This is a collaborative project involving multiple parties,” said Ms Wu. “It is very clear that the proposals from the students have brought completely new excitement to both IFF and our clients - not only their product ideas but also the revolutionary ways of working. Innovation is the result of collective work. When you bring on more diversity, more talent from a different field, your chances to achieve something new and useful are much higher.”

Ms Michelle Wu, client representative of IFF

Student teams created videos and prototypes to address the brief including:

  • The IFF Nature Fragrance Info System – designed to help consumers to get fragrance information and manage fragrance
  • New Brand “Soofun” to treat your second skin like your first – an integrated approach to communicate the USP, spa-grade exquisite laundry care
  • New Laundry Experience – devised three customisable scenario-based products mix-and-match different types of fragrance & detergent base and dry-cleaning devices.
  • Fabric care – product innovation opportunity for the post-90s young generation in China
  • Blind box bubble, water gun, rainbow series – one direction three concepts to create meaningful life and well-being

    Project slides:

    The IFF Nature Fragrance Info System

    New Brand “Soofun” to treat your second skin like your first

    New Laundry Experience

    Fabric Care

    Blind box bubble, water gun, rainbow series

    Student experience:

“It was by far the most fun, energising and challenging project in a year of ID&BM journey,” reflected Joyce a local student in the project team behind New Laundry Experience. “Appreciation and humbleness were the key for us to move forward, and (be) able to thrive, together.”

“I learn to resolve problems in online collaboration; conflicts often occur because of communication issues. And to mediate between interest and direction is what I found a valuable lesson,” said Steven, Joyce’s teammates.

Visit ID&BM’s projects:

PolyU Design Degree Show's immersive 3d show until Oct 25, 2020

* Multidisciplinary Project consists of studio-based subjects SD5171 (3 credits) & SD5172 (6 credits) led by subject leader and ID&BM specialism leader, Dr Sylvia Liu. Project teams seek to identify and extend the search space of an integrated design, business and technological problem associated with an international or regional business environment.