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Our Mission
- Identify current trends and practices in the hospitality and tourism industry that are worthy of scientific research.
- Actively conduct cutting-edge, high-impact research with a particular focus on knowledge creation.
- Collaborate with hospitality and tourism practitioners to translate academic research into best practices that set the benchmarks for the hospitality and tourism industry.
- Provide policy recommendations for destination governments across the world through evidence-based research.
- Generate high-quality publications and obtain external research funding, focusing particularly on public policy and industry collaborative research funds.
Research Areas
- Smart Tourism (including artificial intelligence, robotics, technology innovation, branding, marketing, experience management, and customer engagement)
- Performance Measurement and Management (including financial and revenue management and measurement, operational management, service management, and event management)
- Tourism Futures and Forecasting (including demand forecasting and emerging products and markets)
- Policy and Planning (including public policy, tourism planning and development)
- Sustainability (including resource utilization and management, sustainable livelihood and knowledge transfer
News and Events
18 Nov 2022
17 Dec 2021
03 May 2021
Seminars@SHTM – Sharing on Successful Major Grant Application (RGC Research Impact Fund)
18 Nov 2020