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Our Mission
- Identify current trends and practices in the hospitality and tourism industry that are worthy of scientific research.
- Actively conduct cutting-edge, high-impact research with a particular focus on knowledge creation.
- Collaborate with hospitality and tourism practitioners to translate academic research into best practices that set the benchmarks for the hospitality and tourism industry.
- Provide policy recommendations for destination governments across the world through evidence-based research.
- Generate high-quality publications and obtain external research funding, focusing particularly on public policy and industry collaborative research funds.

Research Areas
- Smart Tourism (including artificial intelligence, robotics, technology innovation, branding, marketing, experience management, and customer engagement)
- Performance Measurement and Management (including financial and revenue management and measurement, operational management, service management, and event management)
- Tourism Futures and Forecasting (including demand forecasting and emerging products and markets)
- Policy and Planning (including public policy, tourism planning and development)
- Sustainability (including resource utilization and management, sustainable livelihood and knowledge transfer

Self-Adaptive Tourism Demand Forecasting Platform for the Greater Bay Area (GBA)
The Forecasting Platform enables policymakers and practitioners to generate forecasts of visitor arrivals in GBA for developing sustainable tourism strategies that foster long-term economic growth in the region.
News and Events
11 Oct 2024
06 Dec 2023