Academic Staff

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- +852 2766 4291
Dr. Winsome LAM is an Assistant Professor in the School of Nursing, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is the subject lecturer in both undergraduate and master program related to Community Health Nursing and Child and Adolescent Health Nursing.
Winsome has special research interests in health promotion to child and family. Her current research studies focus on pediatric palliative service, health technology application, parental support in symptom management for children with medical complexity including cancer and non- cancer case.
She obtained several external competitive grants i.e. Health and Medical Research Fund (PI of HMRF 2025), General Research Fund (PI of GRF 2023) , Scientific Research Project of Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Commission (PI) in 2020, and HMRF (co-I) in 2021 and General Research Fund (co-I of GRF) in 2018.
She has been Invited as the reviewer since 2016 by different international peer-reviewed journals with high impact factor i.e. Journal of Advanced Nursing, Journal of Clinical Nursing, Journal of Child Health Care, Qualitative Health Research, BMC Italian Journal of Pediatric, Child and Youth Service Review, Journal of Family Issues, Health and Social Care in Community etc.