Message from Head

Message from School Head
The School of Nursing at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University is a diverse community of scholars and clinicians with a common goal: to pursue academic excellence of practical value in nursing and healthcare services. We are proud of our staff members, who are making significant contributions to the needs of our local community and dedicating their knowledge and expertise to facilitating the development of nursing scholarship nationally and internationally. In partnership with our students, we are co-constructing a learning community that nurtures an appreciation for high standards and the pursuit of excellence in nursing practice.
This Homepage provides general information on our programmes, strategies, latest news and related documents. I hope you find it useful and informative. You are most welcome to know more about our School by surfing our website.
Happy surfing!
Prof. Janelle YORKE
Angel S. P. Chan Lau Professor in Health and Longevity
Chair Professor of Nursing
Head, School of Nursing
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Hong Kong SAR, Global STEM Professor