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Media Coverage

Date Title Staff Media
26 Jan, 2022 School suspension hurts children's eyes: research Dr Jeffrey Leung RTHK
26 Jan, 2022 專家指停面授課學童多用手機及電腦致散光及近視比率增 (in Chinese) Dr Jeffrey Leung RTHK
26 Jan, 2022 理大發現新冠疫情停課下學童散光比率上升五成 光學離焦鏡片可助減緩近視加深近半 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan, Dr Chea-su Kee and Dr Jeffrey Leung Xinhua Finance Agency
26 Jan, 2022 疫情轉網課 理大指學童散光比率增50% 研鏡片減慢近視加深速度 (in Chinese) Dr Henry Chan and Dr Jeffrey Leung HK01
18 Jan, 2022 Specialized Spectacles Slow Myopia During Lockdown Dr Henry Chan Medscape
16 Jan, 2022 COVID-19 Lockdowns Associated With Faster Myopia Progression in Children Dr Henry Chan MD Magazine
17 Dec, 2021 食物與眼睛健康 (in Chinese) Ms Daisy Leung Healthy Seed
14 Dec, 2021 合適眼鏡 不一定貴 鏡片框架 「睛」明選配 (in Chinese) Dr Jeffrey Leung and Mr Ash Mok Ming Pao
14 Dec, 2021 知多啲:1.60以下鏡片較脆弱 不宜做無框眼鏡 (in Chinese) Dr Jeffrey Leung and Mr Ash Mok Ming Pao
13 Dec, 2021 理大與希瑪眼科合作於粵港澳大灣區培育香港年輕視光專才 (in Chinese) Hong Kong Commercial Daily

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