Bad Weather Arrangement
Amber / Red Warning
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or below
Black Warning
Forecast to issue within 2 hours during service hours | Clinic service as usual* |
Signal is issued during service hours | Clinic service as usual* |
Rainstorm Signal Lowered | Lowered before 2 pm: Service resumed after 2 hours Lowered after 2 pm: Clinic remains closed for the whole day |
* If there is any difficulty in leaving the clinic due to the poor weather, patients are advised to stay in our clinic.
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above / "Extreme Condition"
Forecast to issue within 2 hours during service hours | Clinic closed |
Signal is issued during service hours | Clinic closed |
Tropical Cyclone Warning/ “Extreme Condition’’ Signal Lowered | Lowered before 2 pm: Service resumed after 2 hours Lowered after 2 pm: Clinic remains closed for the whole day |
Amber / Red Warning
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No.3 or below
Black Warning
Forecast to issue within 2 hours during service hours | Clinic service as usual* |
During 6:30 am to 12:00 noon | Service suspended in the morning |
After 12:00 noon | Service suspended in the afternoon |
* If there is any difficulty in leaving the clinic due to the poor weather, patients are advised to stay in our clinic.
Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above / "Extreme Condition"
Forecast to issue within 2 hours during service hours | Clinic closed |
During 6:30 am to 12:00 noon | Service suspended in the morning |
After 12:00 noon | Service suspended in the afternoon |