Clinical Studies
- Heidelberg Spectralis OCT-Plus Bluepeak SD-OCT
- Ocular health assessment tools such as fundus cameras, nerve fibre layer thickness analyzer, ultrasonography instruments,
- laser confocal systems, optical coherent tomography and
- HRT for optic nerve head analysis and aberrometers
- Flash and multifocal electroretinography systems
- Adaptive Optics Retinal Camera
- Visual field analyzers
- Eye tracking and eye movement system (Tobii Eye Tracker)
- UV Transmittance Measurement and contact lens 3D profiling system
- Rotlex Free-form Lens Verification System
- Tearlab Osmolarity System
Basic Studies
- RETImap
- Phoenix Micron IV : Retinal Imaging Microscope
- Multielectrode arrays
- TripleTOF 6600 Quadrupole Time-Of-Flight (QTOF) Mass Spectrometer
- Qtrap 6500+ triple quadrupole Mass spectrometer
- Repetitive TMS System
- Patch-clamping system (single and double patch)
- Automated Blade Microtome
- Confocal microscope