Professor Hilary WINCHESTER
Emeritus Professor Chancellery and Council Services, University of South Australia, Australia
Emeritus Professor Hilary Winchester AM
Professor Hilary Winchester AM is a recognised authority on university governance. She is a member of the Register of Experts for the Australian Tertiary Education Quality and Standards Agency (TEQSA) and has chaired several UGC audits of Hong Kong universities. Within Australia she has undertaken audits, institutional reviews, and reviews of governance, faculties, pathway programs and ESOS compliance. In 2011, she was the recipient of the Australian Higher Education Quality Award for her work on quality enhancement in the private sector. She is an Emeritus Professor of the University of South Australia and of Central Queensland University.
Hilary was most recently Vice-President Governance and University Secretary at Charles Darwin University, focussed on governance, compliance, and policy, legal and audit matters. Formerly Hilary was Provost at Central Queensland University Australia, and was responsible for academic quality, including Learning and Teaching, Research, Community Engagement and Indigenous Education. She has held numerous senior positions in Australian Universities including as President of Academic Senate, and as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Strategy and Planning). She gained her degrees from the University of Oxford, is the author of over a hundred refereed publications and is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Company Directors.