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Programme-based Scholarships
Programme-based scholarships for FB students
These are normally granted based on merit.
Master of Business Administration
A maximum of HK$1.5 million of merit-based scholarships is available. -
Master of Science in China Business Studies*
Merit-based scholarships are available. -
Master of Science in Business Management*
A maximum of HK$3 million of merit-based scholarships is available.
* When making an application for the scholarship, please submit an online application for admission to the programme at Study@PolyU.
Scan the completed application form (MSc in China Business Studies / MSc in Business Management) and upload it onto your eAdmission account at Study@PolyU before the application deadline of the programme.
The application form can also be returned to the Faculty of Business (Research and Postgraduate Studies Section) at M921, Li Ka Shing Tower, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University or by email at fbcbs@polyu.edu.hk (for China Business Studies) or fbmscbm@polyu.edu.hk(for Business Management).
MSc in International Shipping and Transport Logistics (Full-time)
Details of this scholarship, offered under The Hong Kong Maritime and Logistics Scholarship Scheme of the HKSAR government, are pending approval. The full-time stream of this programme is only offered to scholarship recipients. -
MSc in Accountancy (Full-time students)
Merit-based post-entry scholarship. -
MSc in International Shipping and Transport Logistics (Mixed mode) (For Full-time option of MSc entry only)
Full or partial scholarship granted based on academic and non-academic performance
Click here for the application form.
Apply for admission to the programme via Study@PolyU before lodging the scholarship application. -
Full-time Master of Finance (Investment Management) (FT-IMM)
Merit-based post-entry scholarship. -
Master of Corporate Governance
- The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries - Professor Joseph Cheung Memorial Scholarship
- The Hong Kong Institute of Chartered Secretaries Subject Prize
Master of Professional Accounting
- Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants Scholarship
- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants Scholarship
PolyU reserves the right to change or withdraw the scholarship at any time. In case of any dispute/disagreement, PolyU's decision is final.