Academic Staff

Professor Xiang-dong LI
Dean of Faculty of Construction and Environment, Director of Research Institute for Sustainable Urban Development, Director of Otto Poon Research Institute for Climate-Resilient Infrastructure, Chair Professor of Environmental Science and Technology, and Ko Jan Ming Professor in Sustainable Urban Development
- ZS1202b
- 2766 6041
Research Overview
Prof. Li’s major research interests include regional environmental pollution, urban environment, and remediation of contaminated soils. His recent research projects have mainly focused on environmental changes in the fast developing regions. Prof. Li’s research team has been engaged in the study of trace metals and organic pollutants in atmospheric particles, soils, sediments, and biological samples, including their impacts on human health and ecological systems. He has been the principal investigator of numerous research projects funded by RGC, NSFC, and the UGC Area of Excellence Scheme. He has published more than 250 papers, mostly in leading international journals. Prof. Li is the author of more than ten publications listed among the top 1% most cited papers in Environment/Ecology by the ISI database. His current research topics consist of the emissions, transport and environmental fate of metal and organic pollutants, and the environmental loadings and implications of emerging pharmaceutical related contaminants in surface environments. He is Deputy Editor of ACS Environmental Au, and an associate editor of Environmental Science and Technology (ES&T).
Education and Academic Qualifications
PhD in Environmental Technology, Imperial College London
MSc in Geochemistry, Nanjing University
BSc in Earth Sciences, Nanjing University
Professional Qualifications
Fellow, the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences (HKAES)
Geochemistry Fellow, the Geochemical Society (GS) and the European Association of Geochemistry (EAG)
Fellow, the International Association of GeoChemistry (IAGC)
Fellow, The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (HKIE)
Fellow, the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health (SEGH) – Past President (2011-2013)
Member, the American Chemical Society (ACS) Division of Environmental Chemistry
Academic and Professional Experience
1987 - 1989 | Department of Earth Science, Nanjing University Lecturer Trace element geochemistry in ore mineralisation process. Isotope geochemistry in rock forming process |
1989 - 1994 | Imperial College, University of London PhD Student and Research Associate Metal speciation and bioavailability studies of contaminated soils in England. Environmental sampling and monitoring programmes of contaminated land. Environmental assessment of heavy metal contamination in Greece. |
1994 - 1995 | Environmental Resources Management (Hong Kong) Environmental Consultant Phase I and II pre-acquisition environmental audits and site investigation programmes for multinational companies in the Asia-Pacific Region (including General Electric, Ford, Johnson’s & Johnson’s etc.). Environmental audits of major Hong Kong corporations (including Cathay Pacific Airways, MTRC and KCRC) as part of the development of Environmental Management Systems. |
1995 - Present | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor/Chair Professor |
Research Projects and Outputs
RGC/UGC funded projects (from 2000 as PI)
The Study of Sources, Accumulation and Environmental Impacts of Heavy Metals in Sediments of the Pearl River Estuary (PolyU 5057/99, 2000 – 2004, PI)
The Study of Heavy Metal Contamination and Remediation of Urban Soils in Hong Kong (PolyU 5062/01, 2002 – 2005, PI)
Phytoremediation of Heavy Metal-Contaminated Soils Using High Biomass Plants (PolyU 5046/02, 2003 -2005, PI)
Atmospheric Deposition of Toxic Pollutants in the Pearl River Delta: Implications to Regional Environmental Quality and Air Contaminant Transport (PolyU 5147/03, 2004-2007, PI)
UGC AoE Project on the Study of Sediment Contamination and Ecological Recovery of Victoria Harbour (AoE/P-04/2004, 2004-2009, Co-PI)
Air-water Exchange and Water Column Processes of Organochlorine Pesticides and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in the Pearl River Estuary (PolyU 5212/05, 2005-2008, PI)
Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Trace Metals along the South China Coastline: Implications for the Outflow and Coastal Deposition of Continental Air Pollution (N_PolyU535/05, 2005-2009, RGC-NSFC project, Co-PI)
Concurrent Uptake and Degradation of Heavy Metals and Persistent Organic Pollutants in the Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soils at Uncontrolled E-waste Recycling Sites (PolyU 5132/08) (2009-2011, PI)
Interactions among Biodegradable Chelants, Soil Microbes, and Plant Roots in the Phytomanagement Process of Metal-contaminated Soils (PolyU 5209/11, 2012-2015, PI)
Air-surface Exchange of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) and Heavy Metals (MNs) in Peri-urban Agricultural Ecosystems of the Pearl River Delta, South China (N_PolyU556/11) (2012-2014, RGC-NSFC project, Co-PI)
Sources and Bioaccumulation of Mercury and Cadmium in the Pearl River Estuary (PRE) and Hong Kong Coastal Waters (SKLMP Seed Collaborative Research, 2012-2014, PI)
Ecology and Biodiversity of Benthic Marine Ecosystems before and after the Trawling Ban in Hong Kong Coastal Waters - Sediment Quality Study (RGC-CRF Project 2013-2015, Co-PI)
Physico-chemical Characterization and Inhalation Toxicity of Urban Ambient Airborne Particulate Matters (PMs) in Subtropical Regions (RGC-GRF Project PolyU 152095/14E, 2015-2018, PI))
Fe-enhanced Primary Sedimentation and Sludge Acidogenesis for Resources (P and PHA) Recovery during Wastewater Treatment (RGC-CRF C7044-14G, 2015-2018, Co-PI)
Thermal Desorption Aerosol Gas Chromatograph and Time of Flight Aerosol Mass Spectrometer for Research on Airborne Particles and Their Impact on Health and the Environment (RGC-CRF Equipment C5004-15E, Co-PI)
Enhanced Separation and Sludge Refinery for Wastewater Treatment - Solving the Nexus of Pollution Control and Resource Recovery in Mega Cities (RGC-TRS T21-711/16-R 2016-2020, Co-PI)
Differential Chemical Mixtures and Toxicities of Urban PM2.5 in Diverse City Clusters in China (RGC-GRF 15210618, 2019-2021, PI)
Sustainable Marine Infrastructure Enabled by the Innovative Use of Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete and Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites (RGC-TRS T22-502/18-R 2019-2023, Co-I)
Study of Super-fast Large-area Economical Marine Reclamations for Housing and Infrastructural Developments in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (RGC-RIF R5037-18, 2019-2023, Co-PI)
Assess Antibiotic Resistome Flows from Pollution Hotspots to Environments and Explore the Control Strategies (RGC-TRS T21-705/20-N, 2021-2025, Co-PI)
Airborne Transmission of Pathogens for Lower Respiratory Infections in Urban Respirable Particulate Matter (RGC-GRF Project 2021-2023, PI)
Transmission and Health Implications of Airborne Antibiotic Resistance in Urban Areas (RGC-GRF 15227921 2022-2024, PI)
Unravelling the Black Box between Air Pollution and Public Health for Transformative Air Quality Management (T24-508/22-N, PC) (2023-2027)
Transmission of antimicrobial resistance from hotspot sources to occupational populations and urban communities (RGC-CRF C5063-22G, PC) (2023-2026)
Airborne bacteria from wastewater treatment plants and the effects of aerosolization on their viability and virulence (RGC-GRF 15234723 2024-2026 PI)
Wang, X.M., Lee, S.C., Sheng, G.Y., Chan, L.Y., Fu, J.M., Li, X.D., Min, Y.S. and Chan, C.Y. 2001. Cyclic organosilicon compounds in ambient air in Guangzhou, Macau and Nanhai, Pearl River Delta. Applied Geochemistry, 16, 1447-1454.
Wong, S.C., Li, X.D.*, Zhang, G., Qi, S.H. and Peng, X.Z. 2003. Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in the Pearl River Delta, China. Atmospheric Environment, 37, 767-776.
Yafa, C., Farmer, J.G., Graham, M.C., Bacon, J.R., Barbante, C., Cairns, W.R.L., Bindler, R., Renberg, I., Cheburkin, A., Emons, H., Handley, M.J., Norton, S.A., Krachler, M., Shotyk, W., Li, X.D., Martinez-Cortizas, A., Pulford, I.D., MacIver, V., Schweyer, J., Steinnes, E., Sjobakk, T.E., Weiss, D., Dolgopolova, A., Kylander, M. 2004. Development of an ombrotrophic peat bog (low ash) reference material for the determination of elemental concentrations. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 6, 493-501.
Lee, S.L., Li, X.D.*, Zhang, G., Peng, X.Z. and Zhang, L. 2004. Biomonitoring of trace metals in the atmosphere using moss (Hypnum plumaeforme) in the Nanling Mountains and the Pearl River Delta, Southern China. Atmospheric Environment, 39, 397-407.
Liu, X., Zhang, G., Jones, K. C., Li, X.D., Peng, X.Z., and Qi, S.H. 2005. Compositional fractionation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in mosses (Hypnum plumaeformae WILS.) from the northern slope of Nanling Mountains, South China. Atmospheric Environment, 39, 5490-5499.
Wang, Y.J., Cheng, H., Edward, R.L., He, Y.Q., Kong, X.G., An, Z.S., Wu, J.Y., Kelly, M.J., Dykoski, C.A., Li, X.D. 2005. The Holocene Asian monsoon: links to solar changes and North Atlantic climate. Science, 308, 854-857.
Li, J., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Qi, S.H. Liu, G.Q., and Peng, X.Z. 2006 Source seasonality of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in a subtropical city, Guangzhou, South China. Science of the Total Environment, 355, 145-155.
Liu, G. Q., Zhang, G., Li, J., Li, X. D., Peng, X.Z. and Qi, S.H. 2006. Spatial distribution and seasonal variations of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) using semi-permeable membrane devices (SPMD) and pine needles in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Atmospheric Environment, 40, 3134-3143.
Lee, S.L., Li, X.D.*, Zhang, G., Li, J., Ding, A.J., Wang, T. 2006. Heavy metals and Pb isotopic composition of aerosols in urban and suburban areas of Hong Kong and Guangzhou, South China – evidence of the long-range transport of air contaminants. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 432-447.
Li, J., Zhang, G., Guo, L. L., Li, X. D., Lee, C. S. L., Ding, A. J. and Wang, T. 2007. Organochlorine pesticides in the air of Guangzhou and Hong Kong: regional sources and long range atmospheric transport. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 3889-3903.
Cheng, H.R., Zhang, G., Jiang, J.X.Y., Li, X.D., Liu, X., Li, J., Zhao, Y.C. 2007. Organochlorine pesticides, polybrominated biphenyl ethers and lead isotopes during the spring time at the Waliguan Baseline Observatory, northwest China: implication for long-range atmospheric transport. Atmospheric Environment, 41, 4734-4747.
Zhang, G., Li, J, Cheng, H.R., Li, X.D., Xu, W.H., Jones, K.C. 2007. Distribution of organochlorine pesticides in the northern South China Sea: implications for land outflow and air-sea exchange. Environmental Science and Technology, 41, 3884-3890.
Wang, J., Guo, L.L., Li, J., Zhang, G., Lee, C.S.L., Li, X.D., Jones, K.C., Xiang, Y.R., Zhong, L.J. 2007. Passive air sampling of DDT, chlordane, HCB in the Pearl River Delta, South China: implication to regional sources. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9, 582-588.
Liu, X., Zhang, G., Li, J., Cheng, H.R., Qi, S.H., Li, X.D., Jones, K.C. 2007. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAHs) in the air of Chinese cities. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 9, 1092-1098.
Li, J., Cheng, H.R., Zhang, G., Qi, S.H., Li, X.D. 2008. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) deposition to and exchange at the air-water interface of Luhu, an urban lake in Guangzhou, China. Environmental Pollution, 157, 273-279.
Liu, X., Zhang, G., Li, J., Yu, L.L., Xu, Y., Li, X.D., Kobara, Y., Jones, K.C. 2009. Seasonal patterns and current sources of DDTs, chlordanes, hexachlorobenzene and endosulfan in the atmosphere of 37 Chinese cities. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 1316-1321.
Li, J., Liu, X., Yu, L.L., Zhang, G., Li, X. D., Lee, C. S. L., and Lin, H.T. 2009. Comparing polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in airborne particles in Guangzhou and Hong Kong: sources, seasonal variations and inland outflow. Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 11, 1185-1191.
Lin, T., Hu, Z.H., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Xu, W.H., Tang, J.H., Li, J. 2009. Levels and mass burden of DDTs in sediments from fishing harbors: importance of DDT-containing antifouling paint to the costal environment of China. Environmental Science and Technology, 43, 8033-8038.
Large, D.J., Spiro, B., Ferrat, M., Shopland M., Kylander, M, Gallagher, K., Li, X.D., Shen, C.D., Possnert, G., Zhang, G., Darling, W.G., Weiss, D. 2009. The influence of climate, hydrology and permafrost on Holocene peat accumulation at 3500 m on the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Quaternary Science Reviews, 28, 3303-3314.
Fu, X. W., Feng, X.B., Zhang, G., Xu, W.H., Li, X.D., Yao, H., Liang, P., Li, J., Sommar, J., Yin, R.S., Liu, N. 2010. Mercury in the marine boundary layer and seawater of the South China Sea: concentrations, sea/air flux, and implication for land outflow. Journal of Geophysical Research, 115, D06303, doi:10.1029/2009JD012958.
Li, J., Liu, X., Zhang, G., Li, X.D. 2010. Particle deposition fluxes of BDE-209, PAHs, DDTs and chlordane in the Pearl River Delta, South China. Science of the Total Environment, 408, 3664-3670.
Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C., Zhang, Y.L., Li, X.D. 2010. Atmospheric wet deposition of trace elements to central Tibetan Plateau. Applied Geochemistry, 25, 1415-1421.
Li, J., Lin, T., Pan, S.H., Xu, Y., Liu, X., Zhang, G., Li, X.D. 2010. Carbonaceous matter and PBDEs on indoor/ outdoor glass window surfaces in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, South China. Atmospheric Environment, 44, 3254-3260.
Zhang, G., Li, J., Li, X.D., Xu, Y., Guo, L.L., Tang, J.H., Lee, C.S.L., Liu, X., Chen, Y.J. 2010. Impact of anthropogenic emissions and open biomass burning on regional carbonaceous aerosols in south China. Environmental Pollution, 158, 3392-3400.
Li, J., Zhang, G., Xu, Y., Liu, X., Li, X.D. 2010. Dry and wet particle deposition of polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs) in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, South China. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 12, 1730-1736.
Xu, Y., Zhang, G., Li, J., Liu, X., Li, X.D. 2011. Atmospheric polybrominated 1 diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and Pb isotopes at a remote site in Southwestern China: Implications for monsoon-associated transport. Science of the Total Environment, 409, 4564-4571.
Cong, Z.Y., Kang, S.C., Luo, C.L., Li, Q., Huang, J., Gao, S.P., Li, X.D. 2011. Trace elements and lead isotopic composition of PM10 in Lhasa, Tibet. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6210-6215.
Li, J., Li, Q.L., Gioia, R., Zhang, Y.L., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Spiro, B., Bhatia, R.S., Jones, K.C. 2011. PBDEs in the atmosphere over the Asian marginal seas, and the Indian and Atlantic oceans. Atmospheric Environment, 45, 6622-6628.
Xu, Y., Zhang, Y.L., Li, J., Gioia, R., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Spiro, B., Bhatia, R.S. Jones, K.C. 2012. The spatial distribution and potential sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) over the Asian marginal seas and the Indian and Atlantic Oceans. Journal of Geophysical Research, 117, D07302.
Pan, S.H., Li, J., Lin, T., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Yin, H. 2012. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons on indoor/outdoor glass window surfaces in Guangzhou and Hong Kong, south China. Environmental Pollution, 169C, 190-195.
Gioia, R., Li, J., Schuster, J., Zhang, Y.L., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Spiro, B., Bhatia, R.S., Dachs, J., Jones, K.C. 2012. Factors affecting the occurrence and transport of atmospheric organochlorines in the China Sea and the Northern Indian and South East Atlantic Oceans. Environmental Science and Technology, 46, 10012-10021.
Liu, F.B., Xu, Y., Liu, J.W., Liu, D., Li, J., Zhang, G., Li, X.D., Zou, S.C., Lai, S.C. 2013. Atmospheric deposition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) to a coastal site of Hong Kong, South China. Atmospheric Environment, 69, 265-272.
Bing, H.J., Wu, Y.H., Zhou, J., Ming, L.L., Sun, S.Q., Li, X.D. 2014.Atmospheric deposition of lead in remote high mountain of eastern Tibetan Plateau, China. Atmospheric Environment, 99, 425-435.
Wang, Y., Luo, C.L., Wang, S.R., Liu, J.W., Pan, S.H., Li, J., Ming, L.L., Zhang, G., Li, X.D. 2015. Assessment of the air-soil partitioning of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in a paddy field using a modified fugacity sampler. Environmental Science and Technology, 49, 284-291.
Lee, K.Y., Cao, J.J., Lee, C.H., Hsiao, T.C., Yeh, C.T., Huynh, T.T., Han, Y.M., Li, X.D., Chuang, K.J., Tian, L.W., Ho, K.F., Chuang, H.C. 2015. Inhibition of the WNT/beta-catenin pathway by fine particulate matter in haze: Roles of metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. Atmospheric Environment, 109, 118-129.
Fu, P.Q., Zhuang, G.S., Sun, Y.L., Wang, Q.Z., Chen, J., Ren, L.J., Yang, F., Wang, Z.F., Pan, X.L., Li, X.D., Kawamura, K. 2016. Molecular markers of biomass burning, fungal spores and biogenic SOA in the Taklimakan desert aerosols. Atmospheric Environment, 130, 64-73.
Ming, L.L., Jin, L., Li, J., Fu, P.Q., Yang, W., Liu, D., Zhang, G., Wang, Z., Li, XD.*. 2017. PM2.5 in the Yangtze River Delta, China: Chemical compositions, seasonal variations, and regional pollution events. Environmental Pollution, 223, 200-212.
Jin, L., Luo, X.S., Fu, P.Q., Li, X.D.*. 2017. Airborne particulate matter pollution in urban China: A chemical mixture perspective from sources to impacts. National Science Review, 4, 593-610.
Xie, J.W., Jin, L., Luo, X.S., Zhao, Z., Li, X.D.* 2018. Seasonal disparities in airborne bacteria and associated antibiotic resistance genes in PM2.5 between urban and rural sites. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 5, 74-79.
Yan, B., Liu, S.J., Zhao, B., Li, X.D., Fu, Q., Jiang, G.B. 2018. China's fight for clean air and human health. Environmental Science and Technology, 52, 8063-8064.
Zhu, Y., Tao, S., Sun, J.T., Wang, X.L., Li, X.D., Tsang, D.C.W., Zhu, L.Z., Shen, G.F., Huang, H.J., Cai, C.Y., Liu, W.X. 2018. Multimedia modeling of the PAH concentration and distribution in the Yangtze River Delta and human health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 647, 962-972.
Fu, X.W., Yang, X., Tan, Q.Y., Ming, L.L., Lin, T., Lin, C.J., Li, X.D., Feng, X.B. 2018. Isotopic composition of gaseous elemental mercury in the boundary layer of East China Sea. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 123, 7656-7669.
Xie, J.W., Jin, L., He, T.T., Chen, B.W., Luo, X.S., Feng, B.H., Huang, W., Li, J., Fu, P.Q., Li, X.D.* 2019. Bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) in PM2.5 from China: implications for human exposure. Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 963-972.
Jin, L., Xie, J.W., Wong, C.K.C., Chan, S.K.Y., Abbaszadeǁ, G., Schnelle-Kreisǁ, J., Zimmermannǁ, R., Li, J., Zhang, G., Fu, P.Q., Li, X.D.* 2019. Contributions of city-specific PM2.5 to differential in vitro oxidative stress and toxicity implications between Beijing and Guangzhou of China. Environmental Science and Technology, 53, 2881-2891.
Li, X.D.*, Jin, L., Kan, H.D. 2019. Air pollution: a global problem needs local fixes. Nature, 570, 437-439.
Zhao, W.Y., Wang, Z., Li, S.W., Li, L.J., Wei, L.F., Xie, Q.R., Yue, S.Y., Li, T., Liang, Y.H., Sun, Y.L., Wang, Z.F., Li, X.D., Kawamura, K., Wang, T., Fu, P.Q. 2019. Water-soluble low molecular weight organics in cloud water at Mt. Tai Mo Shan, Hong Kong. Science of the Total Environment, 697, Article Number: UNSP 134095.
Li, L.Y., Wang, Q., Bi, W.J., Hou, J., Xue, Y.G., Mao, D.Q., Das, R., Luo, Y.*, Li, X.D.* 2020. Municipal solid waste treatment system increases ambient airborne bacteria and antibiotic resistance genes. Environmental Science and Technology, 54, 3900-3908.
Xie, J.W., Jin, L., Cui, J.L., Luo, X.S., Li, J., Zhang, G., Li, X.D.* 2020. Health risk-oriented source apportionment of PM2.5-associated trace metals. Environmental Pollution, 262, Article number 114655.
He, T.T., Jin, L, Xie, J.W., Yue, S.Y., Fu, P.Q., Li, X.D.* 2021. Intracellular and extracellular antibiotic resistance genes in airborne PM2.5 for respiratory exposure in urban areas. Environmental Science and Technology Letters, 8, 128-134.
He, T.T., Jin, L., Li. X.D.*. 2021. On the triad of air PM pollution, pathogenic bioaerosols, and lower respiratory infection. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, DOI: 10.1007/S10653-021-01025-7.
Wu, D., Jin, L., Xie, J.W., Liu, H., Zhao, J., Ye, D., Li, X.D.* 2022. Inhalable antibiotic resistomes emitted from hospitals: metagenomic insights into bacterial hosts, clinical relevance, and environmental risks. Microbiome, 10, Article number: 19,
Xie, J.W., Jin, L., Wu, D., Pruden, A., Li, X.D.* 2022. Inhalable antibiotic resistome from wastewater treatment plants to urban areas: bacterial hosts, dissemination risks, and source contributions. Environ. Sci. Technol. 56, 11, 7040–7051.
Jin, L., Xie, J.W., He, T.T., Wu, D., Li, X.D.* 2022. Airborne transmission as an integral environmental dimension of antimicrobial resistance through the “One Health” lens. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 52, 4172–4193.
Wu, D., Zheng, H. T., Li, Q.*, Jin, L., Lyu, R., Ding, X., Huo, Y. Q., Zhao, B., Jiang, J. K., Chen, J. M., Li, X.D.*, Wang, S.X.* Toxic potency-adjusted control of air pollution for solid fuel combustion. Nature Energy, 2022, 9, 345–350
Jin, L., Apte, J.S., Miller, S.L., Tao, S., Wang, S.X., Jiang, G.B., Li, X.D.* 2022. Global Endeavors to Address the Health Effects of Urban Air Pollution, Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 6793-6798.
Jin, L., Pruden, A., Boehm, A.B., Alvarez, P.J.J., Raskin, L., Kohn, T., Li, X.D.* 2022, Integrating Environmental Dimensions of “One Health” to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance: Essential Research Needs. Environmental Science & Technology, 56, 14871–14874.
Zhao, J.; Jin, L.; Wu, D.; Xie, J. W.; Li, J.; Fu, X. W.; Cong, Z. Y.; Fu, P. Q.; Zhang, Y.; Luo, X. S.; Feng, X. B.; Zhang, G.; Tiedje, J. M.*; Li, X. D.*, 2022. Global airborne bacterial community—interactions with Earth’s microbiomes and anthropogenic activities. PNAS, 119 (42), e2204465119.
Li, X.D.* 2022. Acceptance of the 2022 Clair C. Patterson Medal to Xiangdong Li. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 337, 184.
He, T.T., Jin, L., Li. X.D.*. 2023. On the triad of air PM pollution, pathogenic bioaerosols, and lower respiratory infection. Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 45, 1067–1077.
Wu, D., Zheng, H.T., Li, Q., Wang, S.X., Zhao, B., Jin, L., Lyu, R., Li, S.Y., Liu, Y.Z., Chen, X., Zhang, F.F., Wu, Q.R., Liu, T.H., Jiang, J.K., Wang, L., Li, X.D., Chen, J.M., Hao, J.M. 2023. Achieving health-oriented air pollution control requires integrating unequal toxicities of industrial particles. Nature Communications, 14, 1, Article number 6491
Zhang, L., Li, Y.J., Li, J., Xing, R., Liu, X.L., Zhao, J.F., Shen, G.F.*, Pan, B., Li., X.D., Tao, S. 2024. mateAugust 5, 2024. Pollutant emissions and oxidative potentials of particles from the indoor burning of biomass pellets. Environmental Science & Technology, 58, 16016–16027.
He, T.T., Xie, J.W., Jin, L., Zhao, J., Zhang, X.H., Liu, H., Li, X.D.* 2024. Seasonal dynamics of the phage-bacterium linkage and associated antibiotic resistome in airborne PM2.5 of urban areas. Environment International, 194, 109155.
Li, X. D.*, Wai, W. H. O., Li, Y.S., Coles, B. J., Ramsey, M.H. and Thornton, I. 2000. Heavy metal distribution in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Applied Geochemistry, 15, 567-581.
Chen, J.S., Wang, F.Y., Li X.D.*, Song, J.J. 2000. Geographical variations of trace elements in sediments of the major rivers in eastern China. Environmental Geology, 39, 1334-1340.
Li, X.D.*, Shen, Z.G., Wai, W. H. O. and Li, Y.S. 2000. Chemical partitioning of heavy metal contaminants in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 12, 17-25.
Li, X.D.*, Shen, Z.G., Wai, W. H. O. and Li, Y.S. 2001. Chemical forms of Pb, Zn and Cu in the sediment profiles of the Pearl River Estuary. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 42, 215-223.
Li, X.D.*, Mai, B.X., Zhang, G., Sheng, G.Y., Fu, J.M., Wai, O.W.H., Li, Y.S. 2001. The distribution of organochlorine pesticides in a sediment profile of the Pearl River Estuary. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 67, 871-880.
Fan, W.H., Wang, W.X., Chen, J.S., Li, X.D. and Yen, Y.F. 2002. Cu, Ni and Pb speciation in surface sediments from a contaminated bay of northern China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 44, 816-832.
Zhang, G., Parker, A., House, A., Mai, B.X., Li, X. D., Kang, Y. H. and Wang, Z. S. 2002. The sedimentary records of HCH and DDT in the Pearl River estuary, South China. Environmental Science and Technology, 36, 3671-3677.
Liu, W.X., Li, X.D.*, Shen, Z.G., Wang, D.C., Wai, O.W.H., Li, Y.S. 2002. Multivariate statistical study of heavy metal enrichment in sediments of the Pearl River Estuary. Environmental Pollution, 121, 377-388.
Wang, D.C., Li, X.D.*, Wang, C.X., Wai, O.W.H. and Li, Y.S. 2002. Heavy metals in the coastal water of Hong Kong. ACS Symposium Series 835, Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements. pp. 404-419. American Chemical Society, Washington, D.C.
Zhang, G., Yan, J., Fu, J.M., Parker, A., Li, X.D. and Wang, Z.S. 2003. Butyltins in sediments and biota from the Pearl River Delta, South China. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 14, 35-42.
Wai, O. W. H., Wang, C.H., Li, Y.S. and Li, X.D. 2004. The formation mechanisms of turbidity maximum in the Pearl River estuary, China. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 48, 441-448.
Ip, C. C. M., Li, X.D.*, Zhang, G., Farmer, J.G., Wai O.W.H., and Li, Y.S. 2004. Over one hundred years of trace metal fluxes in the sediments of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Environmental Pollution, 132, 157-172.
Peng, P.H., Wang, W.X., Li, X.D. and Yen, Y.F. 2004. Metal partitioning in river sediments measured by sequential extraction and biomimetic approaches. Chemosphere, 57, 839-851.
Mai, B.X, Zeng, E.D., Luo, X.J., Yang, Q.S., Zhang G., Li, X.D., Shen, G.Y. and Fu, J.M. 2005. Abundances, depositional fluxes and homologue patterns of polychlorinated biphenyls in dated sediment cores from the Pearl River Delta, China. Environmental Science and Technology, 39, 49-56.
Fang, T., Li, X.D.* and Zhang, G. 2005. Acid volatile sulfide (AVS) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) in the sediment cores of the Pearl River Estuary, South China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 61,420-431.
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Li, X.D.*, Cousins, I.T., Hornbuckle, K.C. 2021. ACS Environmental Au ─ Your Open Access Journal for Premier Environmental Research. ACS Environ. Au, 1, 1–3.
Sun, W.M., Li, X.D.* 2022. ACS Environmental Au ─ Go Green and Go for Gold! ACS Environ. Au, 2, 1-2.
Jin, L., Li, X.D.* 2022. ACS Environmental Au ─ Gold Open Access toward a Greener Future. ACS Environ. Au, 2, 74-76.
Jin, L., Apte, J.S., Miller, S.L., Tao, S., Wang, S.X., Jiang, G.B., Li, X.D.* 2022. Global endeavors to address the health effects of urban air pollution, Environmental Science & Technology (Special Issue on Urban Air Pollution and Human Health), 56, 6793-7372.
Jiang, Y.*, Li, X.D.* 2022. Sustainable Development: 30 Years Since the Rio de Janeiro Earth Summit. ACS Environmental Au, 2022, 2, 480–481.
Li, X.D.*, Cousins, I.T., Hornbuckle, K.C. 2023. ACS Environmental Au Recognizes 2022 Rising Stars in Environmental Research. ACS Environmental Au, 2023, 3, 1–4.
Jiang, Y.*, Li, X.D.* 2024. Celebrating and Charting a Future for ACS Environmental Au. ACS Environmental Au, 4, 1–2.
Cousins, I.T., Hornbuckle, K.C., Li, X.D.* 2024. ACS Environmental Au Recognizes 2023 Rising Stars in Environmental Research. ACS Environmental Au, 4, 51–53.
Jin, L., Li, X.D.* 2024. Materials Science in the Quest for Sustainability. ACS Environmental Au, 4, 54–55.
Jiang, G. B. and Li, X.D. 2019. A New Paradigm for Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology: From Concepts to Insights. Springer Nature, ISBN: 978-981-13-9446-1 (printed copy) and Online ISBN 978-981-13-9447-8, DOI