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Faculty Newsletter
FH Newsletter 2021 Issue 1
Meeting with FH Alumni

In order to strengthen the alumni network, the Dean(FH) Prof. Li Ping organised a meeting with the representatives from the Federation of PolyU Alumni Associations (FHKPUAA), FH Alumni Associations, FH Departments and the Alumni Affairs and Development Office (AADO) in late April 2021. After a brief introduction by the FHKPUAA, Prof. Li introduced the Faculty, and invited FH Alumni Associations to update their recent developments and plans for future activities. Participants actively exchanged views on engaging alumni and discuss the possibility of future collaboration.
Attendees of the meeting (from left to right):
Dr Roxana Fung, Associate Head of CBS, Ms Daisy Ng, Manager (Alumni Affairs) of AADO, Mr Lo Ting Hung, Former President of Faculty of Humanities Postgraduate Alumni Association of PolyU (FHPAA), Mr Johnny Leung, President of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Department of Chinese Culture Alumni Association (POLYUCCAA), Ir Yau Kwok-fai, 2nd Vice President of FHKPUAA, Prof. Chu Hung-lam, Interim Head of CC, Dean(FH) Prof. Li Ping, Ms Belinda Chow, Director of AADO, Mr Lo Ho Hei, Committee Member of POLYUCCAA, Prof. Bernadette Watson, Associate Head of ENGL, Ms Catherine Law, Departmental Alumni Liaison Officer of ENGL, Ms Wen Yu, President of FHPAA, Dr Amy Suen, Chairman of The PolyU Department of English Alumni Association, Dr Wu Zhiwei, Departmental Alumni Liaison Officer of CBS (presenting on behalf of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Chinese and Bilingual Studies Alumni Association)