Medal of Honor for valuable contribution to HK education sector, especially in language education & research, HKSAR 2015, Faculty Award for outstanding performance in knowledge transfer (benefiting the education sector) 2021, President’s Award for outstanding performance in knowledge transfer (benefiting the education sector) 2022
Prof. Chan Shui Duen, Research Professor(CBS)

Nominated for the University’s President’s Award for Excellent Performance 2018 , Recipient of Faulty of Humanities Award for Outstanding Performance 2017, Recipient of Dean’s Award for Research Excellence 2016
Dr William Feng, Associate Professor(ENGL)

Faculty Award for Excellent Performance in Research and Scholarly Activities 2017/18
Dr Victor Ho, Assocaite Professor(ENGL)
I guide my students and follow them;
I talk to my students and listen to them;
I teach my students and learn from them;
I inspire my students and look up to them;
I empower my students and shine with them.

Nominee for the University’s President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2019/2020, Faculty of Humanities Award for Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching 2018/2019, Fellow, Higher Education Academy UK 2016
Dr Renia Lopez, Associate Professor(ENGL)
My goal is to inspire my students to realise their full potential and true value in life, to search beyond their boundaries, to question and to never give up!

Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Teaching 2016/17, Nominated for UGC Teaching Award 2018, Nominated for President’s Award for Teaching Excellence 2017/18
Prof. Dennis Tay, Professor(ENGL)

Recipient of Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance in Research 2020, Recipient of Dean’s Award for Research Excellence 2019, Recipient of the Life Achievement Award from the International Association for Language and Social Psychology 2016
Prof. Bernadette Maria Watson, Professor(ENGL)

Faculty Award for Outstanding Performance and Achievement in Teaching 2019/20, Nominated for President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement 2019/20
Anna Ho, Man Chan, Richard Charles, Christopher Shepard, Denise Cheung, Eric Tindall, James Evans, Kira Rimrott(ELC)