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e-Bulletin - 2025 February Issue


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2nd CILME Workshop_Gp2_760x430The 2nd Centre for Immersive Learning and Metaverse in Education (CILME) Workshop on Metaverse and Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the Future of Education was successfully co-hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU) and The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), and co-organised by the PolyU-Hangzhou Technology and Innovation Research Institute (HZRI) on 21 February 2025. The workshop brought together leading scholars and experts all over the world to discuss the transformative impact of AI and immersive technologies on education. Click HERE to read more.

JNMLecture_1_760x430The 14th Joseph Needham Memorial Lecture Series, co-hosted by the Joseph Needham Foundation for Science & Civilisation (Hong Kong) and the Faculty of Humanities, was successfully held at PolyU on 12 December 2024. Prof. Robin D.S. Yates from McGill University delivered an insightful lecture titled “After Needham’s The Epic of Gunpowder,” highlighting the enduring legacy of Prof. Joseph Needham. Click HERE to read more.


Awarded Top 10 Innovative Exploratory Projects in Tencent Tanyuan Scheme 2024

Tanyuan Project 2024_760x430A pioneering research project at PolyU promotes the synergy of scientific technologies and the humanities, applying interdisciplinary approaches to make cultural heritage relevant today. Led by Prof. Huang Chu-Ren, Chair Professor of Applied Chinese Language Studies of the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, the project "Knowledge Integration of the Classic of Mountains and Seas: Reconstructing Ancient Ecological and Geographical Knowledge Heritage with Artificial Intelligence" has been awarded one of the "Top 10 Innovative Exploratory Projects" in Tencent’s "Tanyuan Project 2024”. Click HERE to read the full story.

RGC_CRF202425_76x430Led by Prof. Siok Wai Ting, Head of the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, the cross-institutional project “Integrating Machine Learning, Behavioral Analysis and Multimodal Neuroimaging Techniques to Investigate the Comorbidity of Specific Learning Disabilities in Hong Kong” has secured HK$4 million from the Collaborative Research Fund (CRF) of the Research Grants Council (RGC) for 2024/25. Collaborators of the project include researchers from HKU and EdUHK.

The CRF supports multi-investigator, multi-disciplinary projects in order to encourage more research groups to engage in creative and high-quality cross-disciplinary / cross-institutional projects.

KE Sihui_Mid-Career Award_760x430Prof. Ke Sihui, Associate Professor in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, has been honoured with the ARWA (Association for Reading and Writing in Asia) Mid-Career Award. The Award aims at recognising a researcher who is currently in the middle of their career and who has a distinguished research record in the area of literacy acquisition that is related to Asia in particular or more generally to cross-linguistic/cross-scriptal literacy acquisition.

The ARWA, registered as a society in 2016, is for researchers studying literacy development, literacy impairment, or expert linguistic processing via print in Asia.

LongServiceAward_r760x430A total of 50 colleagues in the Faculty received the Long Service Award 2024 in recognition of their years of service at the University, spanning 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and five years.

The Faculty would like to thank these staff members for their dedicated and loyal service to the University. The Long Service Award Scheme has been introduced since 1990 to foster a sense of belonging among PolyU staff.

FH Academics Publish_760x430Dr Shaoxiong Brian Xu and Prof. Guangwei Hu from the Department of English and Communication have recently published an article in Nature Human Behaviour, a prestigious multidisciplinary journal of Nature Portfolio that has an impressive impact factor of 22.3. A commentary on China’s pervasive research integrity issues, the article draws attention to three neglected issues underlying China’s retraction crisis: a striking disparity in the numbers of retractions between domestic and international journals, ineffective enforcement of a profusion of research integrity policies, and widespread non-transparency in handling breaches of research integrity. Click HERE to read the article.

GenAI to Improve Language Assessment

Employing GenAI_1_760x430In recent years, generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) technology has developed rapidly, bringing significant changes to the field of language education. Prof. Zhu Xinhua and his team from the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies have recently made significant progress in improving language assessment with the support of GenAI, particularly in providing feedback on students’ compositions. These studies have revealed the learning characteristics of students in the GenAI environment, providing empirical evidence for constructing innovative language teaching and assessment approaches. Click HERE to read the full article.

Employing GenAI_2_760x430Prof. Zhu Xinhua, Professor in the Department of Chinese and Bilingual Studies, leads a team to develop a multimodal reading teaching programme and an assessment task set for primary students based on his GRF project. Over 600 primary students in Hong Kong participated in the first round of these innovative activities. In the upcoming year, more than 500 primary students are expected to participate in the second round. Click HERE to read more.


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