Hou, Renkui, Chu-Ren Huang, and Hongchao Liu. "A study on Chinese register characteristics based on regression analysis and text clustering." Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory 15, no. 1 (2019): 1-37.
*Dr Hou, currently an associate professor at Guangzhou University, was a Postdoctoral Fellow at PolyU. Dr Liu, currently a PDF at Shandong University, obtained his PhD from PolyU in 2018.
**JCI (Journal Citation Indicator) is “the average Category Normalised Citation Impact (CNCI) of citable items (articles & reviews) published by a journal over a recent three year period.” The average JCI of any category is 1. Hence, JCI of 1.84 (of CLLT) means that its citation is 84% higher than the average of journals in this category.
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