PolyU 85th Anniversary Celebrations

In celebration of PolyU’s 85th Anniversary, the Faculty has organised a series of activities on the theme of “PolyU Science connects to create IMPACT”. We are proud to present a video series, “Our Alumni, Our Pride”, featuring some of our outstanding alumni sharing their experiences of finding their paths in life and making a positive impact both in their careers and on society. Please scan the QR code to learn more about our alumni’s incredible journeys!
為慶祝理大85周年校慶,理學院舉辦了一系列以「理大科學 探理創新」為主題的活動。學院很榮幸能推出影片系列「Our Alumni, Our Pride」。影片邀請了數名出色的校友分享他們如何尋索個人路向和為所屬行業及社會作出貢獻。請掃瞄二維碼以欣賞校友細說他們的奇妙旅程!

The Faculty also prepared crystal balls bearing the logo of PolyU’s 85th Anniversary for the companies and organisations that have offered internship opportunities to our students. The crystal balls symbolise the new ideas and energy we share and the strong connection between PolyU and industry.