PolyU Science Research Workshops

International Workshop on Organic and Perovskite Electronics
Distinct from conventional semiconductor materials, organic semiconductors can be prepared by a convenient, low-cost solution process, making organic semiconductor devices compatible with the printing process. FS researchers have been working intensively on the fundamental physics and chemistry, information science and clean energy applications of organic semiconductors. The Faculty held an International Workshop on Organic and Perovskite Electronics from 19 to 21 September, allowing experts in the field to exchange ideas and explore collaboration opportunities. Thirty-three researchers from top-ranked international, Chinese, and local universities took part in this hybrid workshop to share their insights and research.
有別於傳統的半導體材料,有機半導體的溶液法製程簡單、成本低廉,能兼容有機半導體器件與打印技術。理學院的科研人員一直致力於基礎物理和化學、信息科學和潔淨能源等方面研究。本院於 2022 年 9 月 19 日至 21 日舉辦了有機和鈣鈦礦電子國際研討會,促進該領域專家的交流,並探索合作機會。 本次研討會以混合模式進行,線上線下滙聚了33 位來自國際、中國及本地知名大學的科研人員,分享他們的見解及科研成果。

Online Workshop on Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Towards Carbon Neutrality
Electrochemical energy storage and conversion play an important role in net-zero electricity generation and green transport, the two major decarbonisation strategies in Hong Kong’s Climate Action Plan 2050, its response to the Paris Agreement. The Faculty held the online PolyU Science Workshop on Electrochemical Energy Storage and Conversion Towards Carbon Neutrality from 4 to 6 July. This three-day workshop brought together close to 30 international and local experts from institutions, including the University of Bath, University of Chicago, Columbia University, Stanford University, the University of Texas at Austin, Nanyang Technological University, Shanghai University, CUHK, HKUST, CityU and PolyU. The event attracted more than 600 attendees worldwide and became one of the highlights of the University’s anniversary events.
香港為響應《巴黎協定》制訂了《香港氣候行動藍圖2050》,其中電化學儲能與轉換,在藍圖內闡述的兩項主要減碳策略「淨零發電」和「綠色交通」中,扮演著關鍵的角色。理學院於 2022 年 7 月 4 日至 6 日舉辦了為期三天的〝電化學儲能及碳中和轉換網上研討會〞,研討會雲集了近30名國際和本地的領域專家,包括巴斯大學、芝加哥大學、哥倫比亞大學、斯坦福大學、德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校、南洋理工大學、上海大學、中大、科大、城大和理大。 該活動吸引了逾600多名來自世界各地的與會者,成為大學慶祝活動的亮點之一。

Research at PolyU Science Seminar Series 2022/23
The Research at PolyU Science Seminar Series is a regular platform for PolyU colleagues to get to know the Faculty researchers. In the first semester of 2022/23, three seminars were delivered in hybrid mode, covering three themes – COVID-19, Carbon Neutrality and Materials. We look forward to seeing you at future events.
The videos of the workshops/seminars have been uploaded to the Faculty website. Please scan the QR code for details.
Research at PolyU Science研討會系列是一個讓理大教職員認識本院科研人員的常規平台。於2022/23上半學年,本院以混合模式舉辦了三場研討會,分別涵蓋 COVID-19、碳中和與材料科學三個研究課題。上學年研討會已圓滿結束,反應熱烈。我們期待在日後的科研活動中與大家見面。研討會的影片已上傳至本院網站,歡迎瀏覽。