Research Achievements

Congratulations to Prof. Raymond Wong, Dean of Faculty of Science, on receiving the successive endowed professorship - Clarea Au Endowed Professorship in Energy! The professorship has strengthen his research in developing new molecular and nano materials for energy conversion.
Meanwhile, Prof. Wong’s research project on the topic, “Development of new, stable, highly efficient blue emissive materials that can be processed by wet methods, and the associated large-area solid-state lighting technologies”, is supported by the National Key R&D Program – International Science and Technology Cooperation Project with a funding of RMB 4.2 million. PolyU is the only granted Hong Kong institution in that round of the exercise. The project will focus on the design, synthesis and characterisation of various blue light-emitting materials; and facilitate the commercialisation of the related technologies.
恭喜院長黃維揚教授獲繼任勵學教授席 —— 歐雪明能源教授席。勵學教授席加強了黃教授開發適用於能源轉換的新分子及納米材料的研究。
與此同時,黃教授的研究項目「可溶液加工、高效率、高穩定藍光材料與大面積固態照明器件研究」獲 「國家科技部重點研發計劃 —— 國家國際科技合作專項」撥款人民幣 420 萬元支持。理大是唯一一間在本輪計劃獲資助的香港高校。項目將聚焦於發展各種藍光發光材料,涵蓋其設計、合成和表徵探索,務求促進上述技術的產業化進程。

Ferroelectricity in untwisted heterobilayers of transition metal dichalcogenides – “Science”
Prof. Daniel Lau, Chair Professor of Nanomaterials and Head of the Department, AP
劉樹平教授, 納米材料講座教授兼應用物理學系系主任

Multiple exciton generation in tin-lead halide perovskite nanocrystals for photocurrent quantum efficiency enhancement – “Nature Photonics”
Dr Mingjie LI, Assistant Professor, AP
李明杰博士, 應用物理學系助理教授

Improving carrier mobility in two-dimensional semiconductors with rippled materials – “Nature Electronics”
Dr Yang Ming, Assistant Professor, AP
楊明博士, 應用物理學系助理教授