Dean's Message

Dean's Message
We are delighted to present you the 2nd issue of the Faculty of Science Newsletter!
As we approach the second half of the year, with the lifting of mask mandate and social distancing measures in Hong Kong, we hope that your year has been filled with progress and inspiration.
With the increasing importance of food safety and nutrition, we are delighted to see the establishment of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition (FSN). Established in January 2023, FSN aims to fulfil the needs of a growing public awareness of food sustainability and safety which are based on the key pillars of Food Safety, Food Technology, Human Nutrition and Chinese Medicine. Through the collective efforts of our four constituent departments, the Faculty aims to provide holistic and high-quality education, cutting-edge research and knowledge transfer projects for the betterment of the whole society.
In line with our motto of ''PolyU Science Creates Impact'', we are thrilled by the great news that our research effort and excellence have been recognised by the latest application results of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) and the Research Grants Council (RGC) under the Joint Research Scheme (JRS) and Collaborative Research Scheme (CRS). Five of the research projects submitted by our scholars have received awards in the 2022/23 Exercise, with two proposals funded over HK$7 million in total under the CRS. This fund accounts for more than 20% of the total awarded funding among UGC-funded universities.
In addition, please join me in extending our congratulations to our Faculty’s scholars on their exceptional achievements, as Prof. Zheng Zijian of the Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology (ABCT) and Prof. Yan Feng of the Department of Applied Physics (AP) have been promoted to Chair Professorship. We would also like to congratulate Dr Amber Chiou (FSN) and Dr Cesar Wong (ABCT) for receiving the President’s Awards for Outstanding Achievement in Services 2022 for their effort made to the establishment of PolyU Molecular Diagnostic Laboratory (PU-MDL). The laboratory has been recognised by the HKSAR Government as having a significant role in contributing to the community for fighting against COVID-19 pandemic. We hereby offer our warmest congratulations to the aforementioned scholars and wish them all the best in scaling new heights in their future research endeavours!
Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. We will keep you updated on the latest development and achievements of our Faculty.
Prof. Wong Wai-yeung, Raymond
Dean, Faculty of Science
Clarea Au Professor in Energy
Chair Professor of Chemical Technology
在「理大科學 探理創新」的務實理念下,本院能夠得到國家自然科學基金委員會(NSFC)及研究資助局(RGC)的認可,在聯合科研資助基金(JRS)及合作研究重點項目計劃(CRS)的最新申請中取得理想成果,我們對於此卓越成績感到相當雀躍。在我們的學者提交的研究項目中,有五個項目於2022/23年度的計劃中脫穎而出,當中兩份建議書更獲CRS合共資助超過700萬港元,超過教資會資助大學總撥款金額的百分之二十。